Russia Starts Fire in Occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Zelenskyy Reports

Russia Starts Fire in Occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Zelenskyy Reports

Posted by UNITED24Media

  1. After ZPP having been shelled by Ukraine for weeks, and a day does not go by without a forest fire in its vicinity, Russia suddenly decided to set fire to the station, that is under their full control, by themselves.

    Russians are just that inconceivable. They’ve been bombing their own people in Donbass, blew up their own gas pipeline, and are now setting fire to a nuclear power station under their control.

    What do you mean it’s not a deflection of blame.

  2. 2+ years of western politicians pissing themselves over Putins escalation domination and muh nukes, but when the UAF literally drives miles deep into russian territory all we get is an “anti-terror operation” (cant even get himself to call it war even now) and they also burned some tires at a nuclear plant (the occupied one, where they are also store shit ton of military equipment, which is a warcrime btw)

    clearly trying to stir some nuclear worries in the west, which is kinda disgusting and sad at the same time.

  3. Good slogan for the USA 1990-2020s anti-WMD-proliferation policy: “Give away your nukes and receive ethnocide attempts, mass-killing of civilians, child abduction, systematic use of gas grenades, shelling of nuclear facilities, and even burning nuclear stations!”

  4. Putin, just stop. You’ve lost. You lost three months after your failed attempt to walk over Ukraine as if with a blitzkrieg.

    It’s over. World opinion is against you – it always was. Your resources are depleted; weaponry, personnel, sentiment for your cause, financial capability, etc. The Russian people are getting pretty sick of your continued flogging of a dead horse.

    Just quit. Call it a day. Retract your troops, QUIT fucking with nuclear power plants, and bring it all home. Your options are getting narrower and narrower with the end game being the people of Russia will have enough of your shit and show you the door just like they did the czar.

    Remember the czar? Didn’t work out well for him, did it?

    Just quit. Give up. Stop. You’re not going to win. You were never going to win without trump and his congressional sycophants backing your play. It’s not going to happen in 2020 and it’s not going to happen in 2024.

    Surrender now while you still have the option.

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