How Not to Hand Populists a Weapon

How Not to Hand Populists a Weapon

Posted by theatlantic

  1. Robert F. Worth: “The lawlessness on display in recent days doesn’t change the fact that the British government has been mishandling immigration for years. It allowed in record numbers of migrants entering legally and illegally, year after year, in the teeth of popular opposition, and then introduced flawed schemes, such as the aborted effort to fly them to Rwanda for processing. The number of migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats—some of them drowning in the attempt—continues to rise and is a source of shame and anguish across the political spectrum…”

    “A more focused policy would reform the U.K.’s chaotic asylum system and maybe even its approach to assimilating new arrivals. Labour officials have already made clear that they want to reduce immigration, saying that the recent net annual number of 600,000 migrants or more is unsustainable. Starmer has also promised to crack down on the smuggling rings that bring migrants across the Channel. Greater transparency about just what the government’s policies really are could help mitigate the power of conspiracy theories about plots to crowd out the native-born. Sunder Katwala, the director of the think tank British Future, told me that Britain could also do more to integrate newcomers into the country’s civic life, such as offering incentives to bring them into local clubs and networks and helping all new migrants achieve English fluency soon after arrival.”

    Read more here: [~](

  2. Honestly, the people rioting don’t need any reason to do so. That’s simply an excuse and not even a good one. Bigots always chose acceptable targets and and try to raise a political climate of fear. To even consider them worthy of being listened to is a waste of time.

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