UK riots: Man jailed for 32 months for smashing TK Maxx

UK riots: Man jailed for 32 months for smashing TK Maxx

A man who smashed the door of a TK Maxx has been jailed for 32 months.

Justin Crimp threw rocks at the shop during disorder in Plymouth.

Elsewhere, Ozzie Cush, 20, has been jailed for 10 months.

He was filmed kicking a police officer during large-scale disorder in Whitehall.

Meanwhile, Jordan Parlour was sentenced to 20 months for using social media to try and incite an attack on a hotel.

The 28-year-old had published material on Facebook calling for a hotel in Leeds District to be attacked.

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#riots #southport #plymouth

  1. Try not to poison all the young men and prisoners with drugs. Freemasons devil worshipping prior to parliament mps lawmaker wannabe police. Army were used before they started being hamas and proud like the philistines and thinking we should have muslim brigades and wear skirts with the proud. Protestant Churches and government should be ousting their leaders soon.

  2. So let's get this straight starmer a few weeks back was saying jails are almost full so he going to be letting prisoners out early and now he's putting people in prison for years for twitter posts, I think he wants as many white men in jail as possible

  3. It’s strange how the telegraph have only posted about white folk…
    Forget all the old fashioned impartiality nonsense, the UK has in my opinion now fallen into despotism.. where’s the free impartial journalism?

  4. They want all the foreigners out of the country. Okay say we all left, whos gonna serve and deliver your takeaways. 90% petrol stations will shut down. 90% restaurants will shut down, 100% corner shops will shut down. Road works, construction works etc will all come to a stop.

  5. 32 months for cracking a window 🤔? These sentences are political – I thought the executive was supposed to be separate from the judiciary.

  6. 32 months for smashing a window. They just let a guy out early from prison who killed a 17 yr old with a machete , he had served 6 months .This country is fked & we have 4 more years of it

  7. Why does the criminals of
    a foreign country come to UK for asylum and a new start? And same does the criminals in western countries come to middle east for asylum and a new start?
    The difference is the ones in middle east are disciplined and the ones in Europe from different countries who cross for asylum are more or less still the same after getting drunk

  8. So wat sentences did the muslims and imgrunts get for the roit in leeds! Assault on loads of police ! Police cars smashed up! And bus set on fire carrying weapons alot of them carrying knifes and bats machetes hammers etc etc ! No arrests yet🤷‍♂️ thats starnge isnt it! It was Like week and half ago! That incident and not 1 arrest 🤷‍♂️But yet they cought up wiv these lot preety quick abouslete shambles! No one gets done in leeds! But some petty roiterz get havey sentence for smashing a window ffs😂Its just proof of two tier policeing etc! Where the muslims community's are protected and the imgrunts causeing cahos they looked after by are government and police! And are doing as they please! Where as we the people of England! Are getting arrested for for breaking windows amd speaking are mined on social media platforms a d standing up for are selfs!and just being English💯 wat a crazey time two be alive and liv in this missed up country and world we do atm i can only imagine wat the years two come are gona be like is gona get worse and worse !🤷‍♂️✌️💯🇬🇧

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