Harris Campaign Obliterates Trump’s Baseless Fake Crowd Claims With Blistering Response

Harris Campaign Obliterates Trump’s Baseless Fake Crowd Claims With Blistering Response

Harris Campaign Obliterates Trump’s Baseless Fake Crowd Claims With Blistering Response

Posted by inewser

  1. In a sharp response on X (formerly Twitter), the KamalaHQ account showcased a genuine photograph of a 15,000-strong crowd at a Harris-Walz event in Michigan, directly challenging Trump’s assertions. 

    “1) This is an actual photo of a 15,000-person crowd for Harris-Walz in Michigan,” the campaign tweeted. “2) Trump has still not campaigned in a swing state in over a week… Low energy?”

  2. The Trump Show is not going to get away with the same old reruns. Orange Hitler’s campaign organization is as old, tired and delusional as he is. And considering he’s told every lie imaginable, they really have no new material. Race, crowd size, she’s an “evil woman.” Heard it all before. Eventually he’ll say she’s too old to be president.🤣

  3. Every day that Trump spends his political energy talking about Crowds and Helicopters, Harris is winning.

  4. Holy shit, maga is really that stupid huh? The turbine of a plane has a curved reflective surface. Curved surfaces distort the reflection of light. Don’t believe me? Go get a spoon and look at your reflection on the concave surface of the spoon (the bowl of the spoon). Notice how your reflection is upside down? Need more? Here’s an image of a large crowd in front of one of trumps plane from 2015 (way before AI generated images were around) [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donald_Trump_plane_%2823772725646%29.jpg](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Donald_Trump_plane_%2823772725646%29.jpg) You can zoom in on that image quite a bit. Notice how you can’t see any of the crowd reflected in the plane? It’s because the surface of the plane is curved, and distorts what it is reflecting. To be clear, what’s most likely happening in the photo trump shared is that the crowd is in the shadow of the hangar, and the turbine is distorting the reflection such that the crowd in front of the hangar blends into the shadow.

  5. Doesn’t matter his cult already believes the lies. Anything dear leader says is taken as gospel. Cults gonna cult.

    Harris 2024!! LETS GO

  6. At this point, he’s fighting to hold on to his cult. There’s not even a pretence of adding to his numbers. He just wants to stop the bleeding.

  7. Has anyone look3d at the crowd in Grand Rapids, MI for Trump/Vance. Harris’ little outing failed in comparison.

  8. This can be settled right now. Trump can name the maintenance worker and he can be asked, under oath.

    What’s that? Trump can’t. What a shock.

    Trump is a pathetic lying loser.

  9. What this illustrates is that Harris has no original strategy. She is just following Trumps lead in her campaign.

  10. The cameraman admitted that he was using a special lense that tends to distort distances, making it look like the crowd from the hanger was closer to the plane. He said there was actually a great distance between the crowd and the plane.

    So if it was not AI, it was a deceptive depiction of a crowd waiting at the plane. This is why you do not see them in the reflections. They were basically hanging out in front of the hanger, not at the Plane.

  11. Yeah I’m having a hard time believing the VP with the lowest approval numbers ever is suddenly drawing over enthusiastic crowds.

    All the way with RFK

  12. Now CNN is painting Biden as some kind of shrinking violet. Honestly, JD Vance has eyeliner PERMANENTLY imprinted on his punum. Plus, now, there is photographic evidence of Vance, posing in drag as an adult. ( school hazing, no doubt). Calling each other fags all day avails us nothing. But as long as conflicted individuals persecute fellow brothers and sisters to cover their own ass, I’m morally bound to call out the hypocrisy

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