JayDee Vance Won’t Deny He Was Once Fabulous

JayDee Vance Won’t Deny He Was Once Fabulous

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article](https://www.thedailybeast.com/jd-vances-campaign-wont-deny-thats-him-in-viral-drag-photo) 📰:

    – An image of JD Vance allegedly dressed as a woman and wearing a blonde wig was posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Sunday. The unconfirmed image quickly picked up steam and began trending under the hashtag #SofaLoren, a reference to the iconic Italian actress Sophia Loren and false claims that the Republican senator had sex with a couch.

    A spokesperson for the Republican vice presidential pick did not deny the photo’s authenticity when approached by the Daily Beast, and did not offer any further comment.

    The source who surfaced the alleged photo, Travis Whitfill, says [the picture](https://x.com/mattxiv/status/1822675676295536832) was taken by a fellow Yale classmate in 2012, when Vance was attending law school at the university. Whitfill then sent it to podcast host Matt Bernstein, who posted it to X.

    “It’s from a group chat of Vance’s fellow classmates and is from a friend of a friend,” he told the Daily Beast. “I believe it was grabbed from Facebook and was taken at a Halloween party.”

    Many commenters online connected Vance’s alleged history of cross-dressing with his legislative history—which has long been a point of concern for LGBTQ+ advocacy groups.

    The Ohio senator introduced the “Protect Children’s Innocence Act,” which aims to criminalize medical institutions that provide gender-affirming care to minors.

    The Republican vice presidential pick also supports measures to limit classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity, and labeled critics of so-called “don’t say gay” legislation “groomers.”

  2. Being a hypocrite is a really hard life.

    Attacking veterans for their military service while lying about your own.

    Demonizing the LGBTQ community while secretly dressing in drag.

    This guy is the creepiest scumbag in America right now.

  3. If Trump is known to call Kamala Harris a bitch in private, can you imagine what he’s been calling JD Vance in private?

  4. > JD Vance’s Campaign Won’t Deny That’s Him In Viral Drag Video

    They also won’t deny that JD Vance fucked a sofa. What are they trying to hide?

  5. Republican politicians are hypocrites? Who knew? But they all love the serially convicted rapist felon who can’t vote but can still run for President!

  6. Is this part of the information that was hacked yesterday? They did say it was mostly information about Vance.

  7. Oh that? That’s way before I knew what a hypocrite I would be and that’s in a prior life before djv

  8. All right, this has to stop. What are we doing here? We’re mocking Vance and calling him weird because he dressed in drag once and blah blah blah hypocrisy? That’s still mocking Vance and calling him weird for dressing in drag. Don’t do that. Mock him and call him weird for his conservative christofascist politics.

  9. “False claims that the Republican senator had sex with a couch.”

    The word is “allegations”. “False claims” requires them to be proven false…

  10. I’ve been pretty critical of this timeline since 2016, but who knows. Stories like this one make me think maybe we are on the right track after all.

  11. I don’t care if he dresses in drag, but (1) he’s a fucking hypocrite for his sanctimonious moralizing, and (2) he’s a fucking lazy slob, that wig and makeup job sucks.

  12. So what? Aren’t we doing exactly what we find so weird and intrusive about the right? Let the man fly his freak flag. Maybe he’ll see the hypocrisy, maybe he won’t. But standing around speculating about someone else’s sexual orientation is no more our business than it is theirs when they do it.

  13. I thought his drag name being Sofa was a joke. The guy who fucked a couch really called himself Sofa?

  14. If this is silly better not search the terms “Trump motorboats Giuliani in drag”….

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