Taoiseach seeks ‘urgent review’ of EU-Israel trade deal after ‘gut-wrenching’ shelter strike

Taoiseach seeks ‘urgent review’ of EU-Israel trade deal after ‘gut-wrenching’ shelter strike


Posted by F0urLeafCl0ver

  1. Irish prime minister Simon Harris has again called for an urgent review of Israel’s trade deal with the EU in order to exert political pressure on Israel to stop its attacks on Gaza. His comments come after an Israeli strike on a school in Gaza killed at least 93 people.

  2. 5/5 terrific deal, would sign again.

    There you go, hope Taoiseach appreciate the same-day delivery.

  3. They’ve eliminated at least ~~19~~ 31 Hamas terrorists in that strike. Why does this “Taoiseach” not condemn them for using civilians as human shields?

  4. Are they going to review Ireland refusing to help in the defense of even it’s own territorial waters while enjoying trade benefits of the EU?

  5. How many times are you going to fall for this? Haven’t you learned by now that casualty numbers supplied by the Gaza Health Ministry are extremely suspect, especially if they’re provided within minutes or days of the attack?

    This is exactly what happened with the [Al-Ahli hospital strike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Ahli_Arab_Hospital_explosion?wprov=sfti1#); the Gaza Health Ministry immediately declared that 500 civilians had been killed. Fast forward a couple months and now the best intelligence puts that number at the low end of 100-300, not to mention that the rocket likely wasn’t even fired by Israel.

    Already the Gaza Health Ministry has revised the casualty count downward from over 100 to 93 with 75 identified, and the IDF has been able to identify 31 Hamas and PiJ operatives killed.

    I’m not saying there aren’t civilian casualties, but we’ll need to wait a few weeks or months for more reliable numbers to come out.

  6. Get a grip Ireland. You can either be a global corporations’ busbuy, or a child of the revolution.

    Choose one, and please get off your “superior morals” horse.

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