People Disgusted After Trump Calls Kamala Harris a ‘F*cking B*tch’ During Rare Father-Son Day With Barron

People Disgusted After Trump Calls Kamala Harris a ‘F*cking B*tch’ During Rare Father-Son Day With Barron

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. This isn’t just another instance of Trump being Trump; it’s a glaring example of why his cognitive abilities deserve serious scrutiny.

    Let’s be real: Trump’s use of such derogatory language against a prominent female politician isn’t an isolated incident. It fits right into a disturbing pattern of disrespect and erratic behavior. While one outburst might not be conclusive proof of dementia, it’s part of a broader, unsettling trend that suggests his mental state is far from stable. We’re talking about a man whose public conduct consistently raises red flags about his fitness for any role, let alone the presidency.

    This isn’t just about one comment; it’s about what this comment reveals. Liberals have long criticized Trump for his inflammatory rhetoric and disrespect for democratic norms. This latest incident just reaffirms those concerns. It highlights not just his disregard for civility but potentially his cognitive decline, as such outbursts can be symptomatic of deeper issues.

    Moreover, the media’s coverage of this incident often falls short. Instead of diving into the serious implications of Trump’s behavior and what it might say about his mental health, coverage frequently gets bogged down in sensationalism. It’s time for a serious, unflinching look at his cognitive abilities—this is about ensuring that our leaders are mentally and emotionally fit to hold office.

    And let’s not overlook the gender dynamics here. Trump’s derogatory remark towards Kamala Harris isn’t just a reflection of his personal failings; it’s a glaring example of the misogyny that has become all too common in his rhetoric. This kind of behavior is not just unacceptable; it’s a clear signal that his mental and emotional state should be under serious examination.

    In short, this latest incident should be a wake-up call. It reinforces the need for a thorough evaluation of Trump’s cognitive abilities and underscores the broader implications of his behavior on our political discourse.

  2. Remember like a week ago when the news broke he called her that and conservatives everywhere were calling it fake news? Where they at now?

  3. That ‘bitch’ is going to mud-stomp his fat and flabby weird ass… and Pardons won’t be forthcoming from her.

  4. MAGA don’t care, that’s for sure. This is an applause line with that crowd.

  5. Tough guy calling a woman bad names. He is weak and pathetic. Made America a global laughing stock and bowed down to our enemies

  6. Putin thinks Cheetolini’s a pussy. In fact, Putin grabbed him by the pussy, and has been running him ever since.

  7. Literally no one outside of the Karens on reddit cares or is surprised that Trump would call kamala a bitch. Literally no one.

  8. Whos disgusted? Not the right thats for sure, they think the same. Which is why these people cannot be in power, they have horrendous views on society.

  9. I love it. Dems call Trump every name in the book (most are deserved) but start clutching their pearls the minute he called Kamala a bitch ( not the word they keep hoping he calls her).
    Ya’ll are weird

  10. I detest Trump, but this is misinformation. He didn’t call her a bitch in this video, he may very well have said it in a meeting with his people or in private, but not on this video.

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