Statement from USA Gymnastics on CAS Notice:

Posted by cmaia1503

  1. i hate this for her. i hope Jordan is on vacation somewhere beautiful laughing at these idiots

  2. I have a feeling that USA has a “nuclear” option to fuck up FIG (and I really want to see it being used).

  3. Biden just announced that all options are on the table for the US to make a full and decisive response to CAS at a time and place of its choosing. Remember, the Supreme Court just recently ruled that as long as he is acting as President, he can order Seal Team 6 to take out anyone he wants.

  4. In short:

    CAS: You appealed the score too late.

    USAG: We have evidence we did not appeal the score too late.

    CAS: You introduced the evidence that you did not appeal the score too late too late.

  5. Lost in all of this is the OTHER Romanian gymnast, Sabrina Voinea, who would have rightfully won the bronze medal if not for a different mistake by the judges.

  6. So even though you presented conclusive evidence there was a fuck up, we have no authority to un-fuck it. Good day sir… we said, good day.

  7. That last line of the statement is objectively quite funny considering if they were to ensure the just scoring, placement and medal award for Jordan then she still wouldn’t get a medal – Sabrina would because that would be the just result

    At this point though just give all three of them a bronze medal and force the judges to ~~fight to the death for our entertainment~~ learn how to score properly

  8. The audacity to investigate a rightful inquiry instead of their own mess made by their own judges is wild. And the only one suffering are the athletes that worked their butts of all their life to then be rewarded by complete and utter incompetence. They could have given both a medal and it would have been a beautiful podium with a great message, which it had anyways – but nope let’s taint that image because someone in the CAS decided to make it a dick measuring contest. 

  9. Okay, this affair is now… Pitiful. From all point of view. And even worse, this pathetic feud could be very damaging for the athletes mindset. Best way to slow down a most of the time quite short career.

  10. If it’s her last Olympics, Chiles just says fuck it and keep the medal.

    It’s not like the US ever recognizes international law when it matters (looking at you ICC). They could use that obstinance for good here

  11. USA: We have evidence that you’re wrong

    CAS: We refuse to look at it, therefore we’re still not wrong.

  12. In my opinion, they are finding any excuse to not give Jordan a medal. This is ridiculous.

  13. All three should just fight it out in a wwe ladder match with the medal hanging instead of a belt.

  14. Full offense intended, but what does taking the bronze medal away from Jordan even do at this point? She was on the podium, she’s in all of the pictures with the medal, the broadcasts showed millions of people around the world that she won that medal. The Romanian gymnasts will never have any of that. At this point, kinda feels like CAS/FIG are just trying to humiliate Jordan to cover up their judges mistakes and avoid any level of accountability.

  15. It’s so dumb that the medal is determined by the nuances and logistics of the appeals process instead of just *who did the best gymnastics!*

  16. OG: Jordan gets the Bronze!

    ROM: *days later* They were too late for the inquiry! Give Ana a medal too!

    CAS: ok, you are right. They were 4s late. You should get a bronze. Let’s give it to the IOC and FIG on medals.

    IOC/FIG: Jordan, return the medal.

    USAG: we literally have evidence that it was inside the 1:00 time period.

    CAS: We do not care. Beat it.

  17. USA Gymnastics should put pressure on the CAS by releasing the video they claim shows the appeal was submitted within the minute timeframe.

  18. At the end of the day, who the hell cares if they both get medals? they did not score the person correctly, and then they didn’t follow the time clock correctly for an appeal. Don’t make all of these people suffer because you all grossly mismanaged the entire situation.

  19. Fuck it and keep the bronze medal. Hell, have it dipped in gold while you’re at it. Let the IOC come and get it.

  20. That bronze is soo tainted now. Such a shame too. They should have just given the bronze to all 3 ladies at this point and call it a day. Dragging this out will only make things worse.

    The judges fucked up so badly that it’s not fair that the athletes are getting tied up into it. They did nothing wrong. 😩

  21. Between this and the feud between WADA and the US governmet ([](, I get the sese that relations between the US and the IOC are going to be awfully chilly for the near future. Which will be interesting given that we are supposed to host in 2028 and 2034.

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