Kevin Sorbo Dragged After Daring Harris To Say The ‘N-Word’ In Mind-Numbingly Racist Tweet

Kevin Sorbo Dragged After Daring Harris To Say The ‘N-Word’ In Mind-Numbingly Racist Tweet

Posted by Blue_Wave2024

  1. Is this the same Kevin Sorbo that when he found out OJ Simpson murdered Nicole Brown said “She was no picnic”? Um, yup, same bag of shit.

  2. I only know him from Andromeda and Hercules, I know it’s just acting like but how can be like this in the first place and come out like this now?

    It’s so sad.

  3. The stupidity of MAGA comments is really something else. It’s like they never had any education.

  4. MAGA, you’re doing great with your celebrity endorsements. Our research shows that young people today really respond well to <checks notes>

    – Kevin Sorbo

    – Kid Rock

    – Hulk Hogan

    – John Voight

    – Roseann Barr

    – Ted Nugent

    – Scott Baio

  5. Have they forgotten the president can do whatever he wants now. Through his ass in jail .

  6. Back when he was on that Andromeda Sci-fi startup, the last thing Gene Roddenberry created, I remember a fan magazine asking if Gene liked working with Sorbo or Shatner better, he quickly and flatly said Shatner and did not elaborate.

    Considering the drama the original Star Trek crew were known for since the 1960’s, that’s a seriously telling answer.

  7. If you really wanna hear people say the N-word with total confidence, just go spend 15 minutes at a Trump rally.

  8. Anxiously awaiting a similarly weird Scott Baio tweet. He can’t let this douchebag hog the spotlight of psuedo-famous actors.

  9. Thanks to Kevin Sorbo, I’ve completely forgotten ‘Hercules: The Legendary Adventures’ which I was obsessed with when I was a kid.

    Thank goodness ‘Xena: Warrior Princess’ is fun and a Lucy a lawless and a seemingly nice, normal person.

  10. Looks like Sorbo is still competing with elephant dung for the title of “Biggest Piece of Shit.”

  11. Return to the obscure 90’s pop culture references where you belong you irrelevant fart in the shape of a man.

  12. I used to think he was cool…. Then he opened his mouth about politics, and religion. Dude is a complete nut

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