Can’t make this up, Trump is using Epstein’s jet (again)

Can’t make this up, Trump is using Epstein’s jet (again)

Posted by TrisolaranPrinceps-

  1. To the victor go the spoils. Remember, Epstein died under Trumps watch under extremely mysterious circumstances……

  2. The scuttlebutt is that Trump’s own plane is grounded bc he didn’t get mandatory maintenance done.

  3. Trump was quoted “when I toured it initially I had no idea. But as soon as I got off I recognized it.”

  4. Ha. Sounds like a coincidence but if this was Kamala, Trump would have accused her of trafficking kids. Let em cook.

  5. He likes to reminisce while flying inside it. I didn’t take him for the sentimental type either.

  6. Big orange: Sits down on the plane. Cracks a Diet Coke. Looks around the plane. “Ahhh, good times.”

  7. Nobody else would want anything to do with that plane. The risk to reputation is too high. Donald doesn’t understand how that plane could be a liability.

  8. here you go JD just get your DNA here.. here.. aaaand here and you’re part of the club….

  9. Is someone in trumps orbit sabotaging?
    Sure seems like it. If so, it’s a tremendous service to the nation.

    God Bless America 🇺🇸

  10. “Of course my prints and semen are all over the inside of that plane… I flies in it while campaigning “

  11. He got it at a fire sale after Epstein went to jail. Trump probably needs more than one plane for his campaign if he and JD go to different locations and if Melania or his kids need to go somewhere.

  12. It’s just nostalgia. Think of all the good times we had on this little jet. I get that same sense of anticipation for… the parties… on that island. Sigh.

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