‘Trump Fatigue is Real’: The Empty Seats at This Donald Trump Rally Make it Clear Why The Former Cheeto-in-Chief is Imploding Bigly

‘Trump Fatigue is Real’: The Empty Seats at This Donald Trump Rally Make it Clear Why The Former Cheeto-in-Chief is Imploding Bigly


Posted by T_Shurt

  1. Watch the [video here](https://x.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1822438670005088294) 📺

    As per [original article](https://wegotthiscovered.com/politics/trump-fatigue-is-real-the-empty-seats-at-this-donald-trump-rally-make-it-clear-why-the-former-cheeto-in-chief-is-imploding-bigly/) 📰:

    – The campaign to secure Donald Trump another term as president is floundering — if you need proof, just take a look at footage of his recent rallies.

    Back in 2016, Trump’s boastful claims about stacked rallies and impossible crowds were at least akin to true, but these days, that’s nothing more than another bald-faced lie. His once-impassioned supporter base is slowly dwindling, as even former die-hard supporters see the writing on the wall and ditch the convicted felon for more electable candidates.

    That trend is clearly starting to get under Trump’s skin. The floundering 78-year-old made false claims over the weekend that images from Kamala Harris rallies have been AI-generated, but perhaps the truth is far simpler — his base has grown weary of his redundant antics. Maybe he could use some AI intervention of his own.

    A clip of one such recent Trump appearance underlined the presidential candidate’s diminishing supporter base, showcasing the empty seats that have become the norm for the Trump/Vance campaign. Even as Trump continues to brag about his massive popularity, video and photographic evidence show the truth of the matter, and it spells trouble for Trump.

    The high school bully tactic favored by the Trump camp gets less popular by the day, and — as X’s Republicans against Trump account aptly pointed out — “Trump fatigue” is becoming very, very “real.”

    Even Trump seems to be getting tired of the same old schtick. Slouched shoulders, half-hearted claps, a determination not to look at the empty seats in the stadium — he has nothing of substance to offer, and his base is picking up on that. All he has are the same boastful, braggadocios tactics that got him elected the first time around, but when tested against a starkly popular candidate with real energy behind them like Harris, its feeble roots are exposed. As a result, the Trump campaign is truly spiraling, and it’s having a notably negative effect on the Orange man.

    All those once-impassioned Trump supporters are starting to see the man behind the bluster — and it’s not a pretty sight. Instead of the capable, experienced, poised option presented by the left, the right is faced with an angry, attention-seeking old man who’s more focused on validation than policy. He flies around the country trumpeting lies in exchange for applause, and somehow still expects us to thank him for his service.


    **For any new voters or voters with questions, visit [Vote.org](https://www.vote.org/) to learn everything you need to know about voting.** 🗳️ ✅

  2. Cowardly cuckold convicted felon trump spits the same shit every time he opens his mouth.

  3. We’ve gotten a taste of joy and hope and it feels refreshing! No name calling! No beat down! No made to feel inferior! It feels good again!

  4. He’ll lose the election no doubt, we need to start thinking of combating his lunatic, fringe loyalists. There’s an estimated 30 million batshit crazy Trumpers out there in the wild and I don’t think we should underestimate them. Harris 2024!!

  5. His support is wildly inflated. It’s only the hardcore trumpturds now. That’s 30-40% of the electorate. We can institute real change if we clean house in November. VOTE!

  6. Not enough billionaires, evangelicals and pedophiles to get a big enough crowd in that city.


  8. He should have JaDe Vance do a drag show after speech. Place will be packed with their Grindr folks

  9. Genocidal pedophile felon rapist traitor. I know I’m sick of his seditious shitbag self!

  10. Trump looks like shit, too…even after all the time his hair and makeup spend trying to make him look presentable for his public appearance.

  11. Listening to your crazy uncle’s unhinged, ignorant ramblings is amusing for a few minutes but get real old real quick.

  12. Sane Americans are sick of old wore out trump and his lying, cheating and threats of violence. Harris is such a change. That’s why she is winning. Every time trump opens his mouth I want to puke.

  13. He’s still trying to sell the same old shit he was 8 years ago, except now he’s older and more desperate because he’s facing multiple indictments. I think most people are sick of the bullshit he spews. Especially now that the alternative isn’t a tired old man.

  14. One candidate speaks about the future. The convicted felon speaks about the past. Harris-Walz 2024!

  15. Has anyone heard of the late great Hannibal Lecter? Oh, I did?

    Well, Let me tell me tell you about the late great Hannibal Lecter. He wants to have you for dinner.

  16. “The high school bully tactic favored by the Trump camp gets less popular by the day, and — as X’s Republicans against Trump account aptly pointed out — “Trump fatigue” is becoming very, very “real.”

    Even Trump seems to be getting tired of the same old schtick. Slouched shoulders, half-hearted claps, a determination not to look at the empty seats in the stadium — he has nothing of substance to offer, and his base is picking up on that. All he has are the [same boastful, braggadocios tactics](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwegotthiscovered.com%2Fpolitics%2Fhe-should-drop-out-this-is-very-sad-kamabla-reactions-roll-in-as-78-year-old-convicted-felon-donald-trump-tries-to-shimmy-back-into-the-spotlight%2F) that got him elected the first time around, but when tested against a starkly popular candidate with real energy behind them like Harris, its feeble roots are exposed. As a result, the Trump campaign is truly spiraling, and it’s having a notably negative effect on the Orange man.

    All those once-impassioned Trump supporters are starting to see the man behind the bluster — and it’s not a pretty sight. Instead of the capable, experienced, poised option presented by the left, the right is faced with an angry, attention-seeking old man who’s more focused on validation than policy. He flies around the country trumpeting lies in exchange for applause, and somehow still expects us to thank him for his service.”

  17. Lies and empty promises equate to empty seats at the rally. Can’t get more obvious than that.Trump needs to withdraw from running. Broke, SSDD, why bother. Trump knew three weeks ago he lost and more-or-less every day since. For years, Americans have almost dreaded each day. With Harris/Walz, we have just been given hope, and we are not letting go.

  18. That secret service agent behind him has the look of a man asking “Who the @!#$ did I piss off to get this assignment?”

  19. GOP fatigue, majority of Americans are tired of the trash, it’s stinking up the place. Crawl back to the swamp

  20. I dont want the dems to just win I want them to win big to show Americans are sick and tired of maga.

  21. His lies are inane rants of a spoiled child. He needs a time-out of the most powerful office in the world

  22. Who would want to see this hate show? Who wants to feel worse about everything after listening to this garbage? No hope, no joy, just rage against “them”.

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