Venezuela to increase BRICS oil reserves

Venezuela to increase BRICS oil reserves

Posted by ObjectiveObserver420

  1. A lot of people don’t know. But much of Maduros “state oil companies” are actually owned by Russia. Russian troops also protect him, as well as the oil and gas fields too. Not to mention to setting their own corrupt operations in the country.

  2. Time and time again, wherever there is a conflict over oil and access to oil, the CIA has their grubby paws all over it. But so does every major world power.

    Who knows what is actually going on there, but to believe the US claim that the election results are false is idiotic given the history of the US.

  3. That was more likely to happen before Maduro shat the bed and made Lula mad. Brazil is more likely to push for Colombia and/or Bolivia membership and to block Venezuela’s bid.

    Maduro attacked the Brazilian electoral system, allied himself with the Universal Church of God’s Realm (powerful evangelical church company that is actively antagonistic to Lula), said that Lula should stop worrying about Maduro’s promise of bloodbath and “drink chamomile tea”, blocked most of the Brazilian observation delegation that were invited, weren’t very courteous when receiving Celso Amorim (Lula’s right hand man on foreign policy, arguably with more sway than the Minister of Foreign Affairs himself — a position Amorim once held), AND raised a stink once Brazil stepped up to represent Argentina’s citizen and extend protection to Argentina’s embassy on Caracas after Maduro expelled them and threatened to invade the embassy.

    While none of it is egregious to raise permanent bad blood, Maduro has definitely fallen from grace with the Brazilian president, and the cost of having Venezuela join in such conditions is likely too high for now

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