Donald Trump Says ‘Real Polls’ Have Him Ahead. The Opposite Is True

Donald Trump Says ‘Real Polls’ Have Him Ahead. The Opposite Is True

Posted by wonderingsocrates

  1. Sad to see the deterioration of elderly due to age, dementia. Delutional, lying, mixing up names, events, conspiracy theories, hate, revenge. Falling asleep in court. Losing train of thought. His dad had dementia. He should be focusing on his health instead the election.

  2. Polls dont really mean anything regardless, at least they dont have predictive value. That said its pretty easy to see that Dems are very energetic and actually HAPPY to vote for Harris, not just willing to. Trump needed dems to stay home bc they outnumber him. He has what he needs (Harris may be overtaking his electoral now im not sure) but if dems dont stay home, he just simply cant win. Vote

  3. Yes, Donald. You are ahead. So far head. Some people say you are ahead more than anybody should be ahead in the polls. But it’s true. Nobody is ahead like you.

  4. Any time Trump mentions the “real” version of anything (real polls, real people, real stories, etc.) It’s explicitly the ones he’s imagined in his little fantasy world and knows is completely fake. Same thing when he says everyone knows something, it’s actually something he just made up and is hoping people will take him at his word despite his word being worth less than nothing.

  5. Cannot say this enough, POLLS will not decide the next president, VOTES will. Do not find comfort in these headlines, your only job is to vote.

  6. As we all know, Trump has a very difficult time understanding his version of reality vs the actual true reality that the rest of us live in. Why else would he lie all the time.

  7. And which polls are the “real” polls? Clearly, they’re the ones that show him leading. Any that show him losing are fake. But if a fake poll later shows him leading, then it becomes a real poll.

  8. Someone is going to have to actually tell this guy he won. The set up a fake “White House” where he can act like he is operating like POTUS. Dude literally needs to be Truman Show’d.

  9. The polls are “fake,” VP Harris’s crowds are “fake” and so on and so on.

    Donny Dumbfuck needs some new material.

  10. All the polls, the best polls, many polls, very intelligent polls, good polls, smart polls, many, many…very polls, high IQ polls, they all say I’m the best, the smartest, really good. They all say that, and are they right? I don’t know if they’re right. I mean I think they’re right, so they’re probably right and did you know Kamala Harris just suddenly turned Black when Tim Walz got into all different kind of worlds that are very humane and all the people wanted that they told me that so that’s what I gave them polls that say I’m winning.

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