Elon Musk suggested nuclear war isn’t a threat to humanity because Hiroshima and Nagasaki are functional today.

Elon Musk suggested nuclear war isn’t a threat to humanity because Hiroshima and Nagasaki are functional today.

Posted by RylieSensei

  1. You’d think that someone as smart as Elon likes to think he is, would understand how powerful nuclear weapons have become. Someone so f’n stupid should not have his level of influence.

  2. I need this, “conversation,” mostly consisting of Trump talking at Musk, to end. I need to clip the conversation where he makes this suggestion. I need to listen to it again.

  3. It was 6 years, not 2.

    He was always annoying but his wives helped modulate his weirdness. 2017-2018 was after his 3rd divorce, dating Amber Heard twice, getting more into drugs… then the cracks started — “pedoguy” and “private at 420/funding secured” lies tweeted. And then it was only one stupid thing every 4-6 months, not daily.

    Before that the most notable thing he did on twitter was get drunk and tweet about Catherine the Great


  4. more like henry ford the man who revolutionized the auto industry to henry ford the nazi sympathizer

  5. America really needs to start deporting the deplorables and I’m not talking about the poor people coming here for a better life.

  6. Hydrogen bomb? Never heard of her. She might have got me coffee one time. Anyway, she’s not my type.

  7. Tony Stark was (fictionally) very intelligent and created his own things. Elon is a moron with inherited money who buys other people’s ideas and demands other people figure out how to carry out his ideas (which don’t usually work).

  8. Elon Musk has ALWAYS been Lex Luthor. It is just that the mask has come off and more people are aware of the monster he is.

  9. Change your mind?

    He was never Tony Stark. He bought his way into Tesla after getting kicked out of PayPal and for a while was good at keeping quiet and surrounding himself with people much smarter than himself, but now we’ve all seen through the ruse.

  10. Don’t be stupid… the key term here is evil genius. A genius, like most other captains of industry, is not even close to accurate. Rich and taking advantage of the poor scientists and their intellectual prowess is the actual thing going on here

  11. Give me a call and let me know if I am right! Remember, space is a long distance call!

  12. Woah man, that’s not cool, that is seriously insulting to Lex. He may be a super villain, but he isn’t as bad as Musk, nor as stupid.

  13. The whole interview was idiotic and I agree with the sign, but not sure I agree on the title. Elon was trying to talk about nuclear power plants, but Trump misunderstood that as the geopolitical power of having nines (lol) and made enough stuff up about Chernobyl that Elon used Hiroshima and Nagasaki as something he could understand

  14. From Iron Man to Peacemakers dad, White Dragon in less than 2 years. ( fix that for you)

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