Freaked Out Republicans Are Begging Trump To ‘Try To Be Normal For The Next Couple Of Months’

Freaked Out Republicans Are Begging Trump To ‘Try To Be Normal For The Next Couple Of Months’

Freaked Out Republicans Are Begging Trump To ‘Try To Be Normal For The Next Couple Of Months’

Posted by inewser

  1. Don’t listen to them Trump!! They’re trying to sink your campaign! They are Biden clones! Do more interviews! Do more press conferences! Do an interview with an actual cannibal!

  2. Couple of minutes would be nice-BUT normal is not possible for malignant narcissists.Not Fit!

  3. People want Trump to stop opening his mouth because he doesn’t have anything good to say. Um, hello….Why are you voting for this guy? You are suppose to agree with the canadate, not disagree, that’s the whole point of voting.

  4. How sick are they ALL having to beg this rapist, insurrectionist, delusional whack job to be normal? And perfectly okay with the knowledge that he’ll go back to his complete insanity. How much do these people hate America?

  5. Really shows they put party over country when they have to say fake it so you make it.

    What dirt bags.

  6. And his response is to do a meandering, lispy interview with Elon Musk where he sounds like a broken record and an imbecile

  7. How can he act normal? He’s the best! He knows what he’s doing.(/s)

    He knows he can act however he wants because he has loyalists installed as electors in red and swing states. They will not certify a Harris win. They just want to save face by pretending any of this is okay – selling out our country to an insane rapist fraud felon fuckwad and Christian nationalists.

    Vote. Check your registration monthly (if not weekly) as they are purging voter rolls – especially if you vote blue.

  8. Now Trump behavior is beginning to affect the down ballot Republicans. I knew this was going to happen.

  9. “Conservatives” went all in on this deranged old creep, and now they get to take him to term.

  10. please oh please oh please have him slip up and randomly say something about his BFF Epstein. Puleeeeeeze let him dig his own demented grave.

  11. He hasn’t had the training or ability for 77 years. I’m not sure why anyone *could* believe that he can act normally now.

  12. Lmao. This is hilarious. You all kissed the ring, now keep kissing it traitors

  13. Trump’s not going to listen to a word they say. Trying to tell him to be normal is like trying to tell Vladamir Putin to be more humane.

  14. I know “weird” is a popular way of describing the Trump show, but “fucking freak show” works better for me.

  15. Republicans deserve to sink in the sea of history. Only despicable people run their political strategies based on bigotry, fearmongering, scapegoating of vulnerable people, hate, lies, psychological strategies. and dog whistles.

  16. I have to ask. How close are these people willing to get to the election before they decide to save face? In the 12ish years Trump has been involved in politics not once has he ever listened to any of the advice given to him. Especially when it comes to being normal. What are these people waiting for? What do they really need him for? Harris wins, they regroup, filter out the weirdos, and come back as a better, real Republican Party. The only ones that need Trump are the people like Vance, George Lang, MTG, Lauren Boebert, Cruz, Jim Jordan, and some others. They aren’t all insane.

    Just stand up to the guy already. It’s ok.

  17. Weird Donald is getting weirder by the second and JV isn’t far behind. Get them adjoining rooms in Bellevue with padded walls, straight jackets, and ball gags.

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