Trump Suffers Cognitive Decline Before Our Eyes: Claims Nobody Knows Kamala’s Last Name (it’s Harris)

Trump Suffers Cognitive Decline Before Our Eyes: Claims Nobody Knows Kamala’s Last Name (it’s Harris)

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Donald **John** Trump.

    The J is for John because he’s a *John*, he pays prostitutes to have sex with him. They might be called “porn stars” or “models” but they have sex for money, making them prostitutes.

    If ever you wonder what the J is hiding, it’s not just a name, it’s his sex life.

  2. I’ve never felt pleased about drifting off to sleep after witnessing a disaster. Until viewing parts of that interview. Sweet dreams.

  3. Pffft. Not everybody has to plaster their last name on tacky Hotels and worthless faux college degrees and failed casinos.

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