Congratulations to Low-T Donald for setting the world record for Lowest Turnout of all time!

Congratulations to Low-T Donald for setting the world record for Lowest Turnout of all time!

Posted by TacosDeLucha

  1. Previous record also held by Low-T Donald: 600 slobs in the battle ground state of Montana

  2. 40 minutes late. That’s about how long if takes for Elon to make his full-throated endorsement.

  3. A smashing success, yuge…the most bigly numbers, everyone is saying so. the best people.

  4. I had a bigger crowd watching than George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and MLK had combined for their Xitter interviews!!!

  5. Did anybody listen to this? Trump sounds like he just got a dental filling and his mouth is full of gauze. He’s slurred words before, but he’s slurring non-stop now.

  6. Anybody who wants to claim that Twitter is still working fine after losing 70% of its workforce? Kindly shut up.

  7. Trump is the sort of tech illiterate that will associate the trouble involved with the ddos with Elon’s competency.
    He’ll sorta be right? But I am amused at the thought of Elon being blamed, and trying to deflect it onto hackers. Both of them awkward because Trump needs money, and Elon is horny for any spotlight, so they just kinda go through with the thing “and post it later” in defeat lol.

  8. Are you telling me that the Donald Trump Adderall junkie and the many other drugs Elon Musk junkie failed to actually broadcast their interview? Who saw that coming?

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