Trump Humiliated After His Bonkers Harris Plane/Crowd Conspiracy is Debunked…by the Photographer Himself

Trump Humiliated After His Bonkers Harris Plane/Crowd Conspiracy is Debunked…by the Photographer Himself

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. He is just so dumb. People around him should step in to soften the degrading implosion.

  2. Trump? The guy who was best friends with Epstein? Loved him so much he bought his plane? Weird. 

  3. Trump doesn’t give a fuck. He knows he’s lying, but his supporters will never accept any evidence that he did and that’s all he needs.

  4. Trumpler: “Lies! More lib lies! Can? Can even one tell? Tell the truth? Can a lib tell uh the uh… how about JD, a real winner. And the Donald knows winners!”

  5. This political flare website is absolute trash. So many ads I can’t even read the article.

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