Cannabis is growing on empty high streets in the UK. #Cannabis #BBCNews

  1. Hi Canadian here, during prohibition, all sorts of inappropriate buildings were used as grow ops. Want to stop "human trafficking" then regulate its production and sale. Criminals tend not to engage when the high profit margins shrink to little ones.

  2. Such a shame… so much waste going on here… waste of plants, waste of the police's time and resources, waste of taxpayers' money, and the list goes on. There's so much other important sh*t going on, but this country thinks it's a good idea to police a plant that's way less dangerous than alcohol (and barely dangerous in the first place – if at all), just to dictate whether or not GROWN ADULTS can get "high." That's putting aside the medicinal benefits, etc. smh… it would boost the economy, improve tourism, be safer, probably reduce crime, and definitely reduce money and effort wasted on policing it, if they just legalised it…

  3. We grow copious amounts of ganja, yah? And you're carrying a wasted girl and a bag of fertilizer. You don't look like your average horti-fu*king- culturalist! That's what I mean Willie.

  4. Ffs legalize it already and wisely regulate. "War on drugs" is the Mount Everest of Corruption and Lies. No different than Alcohol Prohibition endless self-made problems backfiring completely in everumy way making everything much worse endlessly

  5. I'm totally up for legalising weed, if you can stop it stinking. And treat it like a drug, so not just blazing one down in the middle of the street. You don't just guzzle down a bottle of whisky in the street and think it is ok.

  6. All this fuss over weed. Half those officers probably smoke it. The war on drugs really is going well, isn’t it. It’s decriminalised and has been for over a decade so legalise and tax it finally…

  7. Let people grow their own. Then they wont hide it away (and use lots of energy). And give it, don't sell it. Take the profit out of it, then the criminals and corporates won't benefit.

  8. Tell me how amazing it is for your mental health & paranoia especially if you have a knife on you & your convinced someone is talking 💩 about you…think of all the riots…or lack of because everyone's monging 😂

  9. The main reason why a lot of European countries won’t legalise is because the recreational cannabis market has a high chance in taking over a lot of alcohol brands which will cause them to lose money.

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