Trump Bizarrely Whines That the ‘Real Polls’ Have Him Winning, But in Reality, the Opposite Is True

Trump Bizarrely Whines That the ‘Real Polls’ Have Him Winning, But in Reality, the Opposite Is True

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Make absolutely sure you are registered.
    Make absolutely sure you vote, and do so as early as you legally can.
    Make sure your friends do the same.

  2. The Putin Moscow Poll and the Kim Jong Poll has him way ahead. But those polls are worthless here.

  3. I can’t imagine living with such a sick lying fuck, and putting up with this bullshit every damn day.

  4. Hey actually has to claim this. All he has is his ‘popular’ image he has nothing else going for him policy or personality wise. If people decide he’s just a normal guy then everyone will quickly fly away and won’t vote for him unless they are complete stalwarts who are voting R despite it being him

  5. Actually, he’s 100% correct.

    These most recent polls showing a miraculous Harris recovery are mostly from pollsters who haven’t bothered to produce a poll for over the past year. For some reason, they decided RIGHT NOW to release their numbers and they aren’t consistent with what long-time reputable firms are showing. These are known as “purposed outliers” and are just there to create these kinds of headlines. I think that they’d actually hoped to produce their polling bombs after the DNC for Joe Biden, but were put into play sooner out of desperation.

    Then you have polls from some of the most irrefutable sources around. Morning Consult, a democrat pollster, says she’s up +3 right now. Want to know a secret? They also said that Joe Biden was up +1 right before the billionaires who control the party decided he wasn’t going to be allowed to run. Clearly, they understood that these polls are just “purposed outliers” pushing the error into the release and not worrying about the circumstances.

    These are pollsters some of which didn’t have their official final numbers last election cycle fall within their own reported margin of error! Which of course means they are a fake polls.

    Other reputable pollsters with good records show a different story. Rasmussen, CNBC, Harvard-Harris, WSJ, NYT – they’ve been publishing polls for over a year and their polls have historically been accurate. They have Trump still well ahead of Harris and in the end, the Battleground States are what matter, and Trump’s beating her there too.

    This is the same problem you guys had in 2016 – you were told that with her +3 point average advantage, there was a 98% chance of her winning. THEN WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!

    SORRY, but you are just setting yourself up for more disappointment.

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