I think the Czech are now fit for Western Europe.

I think the Czech are now fit for Western Europe.

by miragen125

  1. Ah, the Aryans with 6 fingers. Look exactly like every other neighbour of mine, typical Czechs, you know.

  2. Wow, almost all of these AI graphics contain the correct number of fingers! Technology!

  3. Same party-acronyms across different EU-countries make for some funny shit (*insert 3 spidermen pointing at each other*)

  4. Far-right parties then: “We hired artists to produce entire propaganda movies and statues spreading our image of the Übermensch”

    Far-right parties now: “Hnnngh six fingurs AI good enough”

  5. Funnily, the leader of SPD is Tomio Okamura who is half Japanese and half Czech. He dont want his party to be in government. He have his loyal desolate voters, he always stays in opposition and he’s happy

  6. The first one pretty much says “Liberté, Égalite, Fraternité”. So France is our new role model I guess.

  7. “We need a photo of people who look like our target audience. Can’t find any. Let’s use AI. ”

    They don’t even know they lost. 

  8. What’s up with far right politics needing to use AI for their posters. No one wants to be the face of local fascism?

  9. Anti immigrant party led by Japanese immigrant with proper Czech values: thievery, lying, being hated by own familly, embezzlement etc. Loving it!

  10. This party us utter meme. It buided inself up theu fearmongering aimed at 10% of most brainded voters in republic. I think other populists will replace it soon.

  11. Freedom and Direct Democracy party – where no democracy inside the party is held by two “shareholders” and the only reason for existence is they milking the government for political party subsidies.
    Always be cringe and edgy against something never get into real government power.
    All elected members of Parliament are idiots, but mostly smart enough to be quiet and run away from journalists. Tomio got it for money. People who voted for him are morons.

  12. AI has been here five minutes and is already the vilest of cancers. It’s exhausting to think it’s gonna be a thing for the rest of my lifetime and will conceivably get worse and worse

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