‘WTF is he on?’: People Grossed Out by Trump Fantasizing That Kamala Harris Looks Like His Wife Melania

‘WTF is he on?’: People Grossed Out by Trump Fantasizing That Kamala Harris Looks Like His Wife Melania

‘WTF is he on?’: People Grossed Out by Trump Fantasizing That Kamala Harris Looks Like His Wife Melania

Posted by newsjam

  1. the rapist did the same thing with EJC and his ex wife.. she needs extra protection from the pussy grabber and the weirdo couch fucker that was sneaking around her plane

  2. Kamala is a lady, and Melonia is a freaky dog, As a man, I would not touch that freak show even with someone else’s penis.

  3. Melania gone missing again…She probably knows the pre nup is going to make her rich.

  4. If someone with dementia confuses another woman for their wife when there’s no similarity, it’s more than just a simple mistake—it indicates a serious issue with how their brain processes familiar faces and memories. This confusion might make them feel lost or anxious because they’re struggling to recognize the most important person in their life. It’s a clear sign that their cognitive abilities, especially related to memory and recognition, are deteriorating, which can be distressing for them and those around them.

  5. Donny Dumbfuck loves reducing women to their appearances, even though he looks like 10 miles of bad road himself.

  6. >“She looked very much like a great first lady, Melania. She didn’t look like Kamala, but of course, she’s a beautiful woman, so we’ll leave it at that,” Trump said.

    He is so weird.
    He can’t just say “she looks like Melania, ” he has to add in “like a great first lady.”
    I cant decide if this is just his weird speech pattern or if he is reducing Kamala to a first lady instead of a Presidential candidate.

    Also, women are only worthy based on their looks. He cant see any other value. It is so weird.

  7. Two birds with one stone:

    – Creeps out Kamala (who he hates)
    – Pisses off Melania (who he hates)

  8. I think…maybe he’s trying to imply Kamala doesn’t look Black, since he’s doubling down on that nonsense. But also, the way ultra-misogynist right-wing men including Trump talk about attractive female Democrat politicians like Kamala Harris and AOC is so creepy. You can just feel the hostile sexual frustration. It’s gross.

  9. My conceptual understanding of what “weird” is keeps getting deeper by Donald’s actions. This also has the side effect of “normalising” less-but-still-weird actions.

    Eventually smearing faeces on the wall is going to be the new normal

  10. Nothing political or editorial. Real shit. A very close family member died of natural causes related to severe dementia in 2022, and this is *exactly* what they sounded like about a year before they passed. Six months later, they were completely off the rails.

  11. If he can make her like his wife (in his mind), then he can control her. It’s textbook narcissism, framing the world as he needs it be to keep his over-inflated sense of self intact.

  12. Hes saying she is just a woman. Women are meant to be pretty like his wife and subservient to men. He is weird, gross and flying on the lolita express.

  13. Alright…it won’t be long until he accidentally professes his love for her in a slave master type of way

  14. It’s anecdotal but I’ve noticed some old guys get pretty inappropriate when their minds/bodies are on the way out. They say shit without thinking and blurt these things out.
    I truly think his mind is fucked.

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