Have they even considered what that would entail?

Let's not get into why the two teir system enabled by immigrants for the capitalist elite exists in the first place. The agriculture industry would be devastated. But simply hunting, detaining, processing, and deporting "5 million people" is insanity. A C-17, the militaries workhorse transport plane, can seat 100-150. That's 40 thousand round trips.

Posted by FrogsEverywhere

  1. Of course they haven’t! Best case scenario they think that Trump will wave his magic mushroom and make them all vanished.

    Worst case scenario, they’re hoping for Trump to declare open season on immigrants and allow his sycophants to hunt them for sport.

  2. You can be gauaranteed that any attempt to deport “5 million illegals” will illegally deport tons of US citizens.

  3. Even if they have I’m sure they don’t care how expensive it is. No cost is too high when it comes to making people suffer.

  4. Is there a third panel of this meme where the white guy turns around and starts sloppy kissing the pink tentacle monster? Because all the “negatives” you’ve described are exactly what Republicans want:

    * Concentration camps and televised crimes against humanity to show their base that they’re cleansing the country of the “impure” elements
    * The billions of dollars would go right into the pockets of the private contractors running the camps, minus the kickbacks to the people awarding said contracts
    * The economic convulsions cause by losing a big chunk of the labor force (and most of the people contributing to population increase) will be sold as the results of “failed Democrat policies” that need to be eradicated by removing opposition from the political process and “deep state operatives” and “corrupt officials” who need to be purged (for being insufficiently loyal)

    If you think any of that is at all exaggerated or hyperbolic, you haven’t been paying attention how the rulers of Russia and China (and others) have consolidated their power.

  5. Republicans: I need a gun to shoot federal law enforcement officers if they come on to my property.

    Also republicans: I demand the federal government break down the door of every house in America looking to Elian Gonzalez every single brown person.

  6. They don’t even care. They’re so blind with hate they don’t know what the hell they’re looking at.

  7. You mean thousands of ways to skim or misappropriate billions of dollars from the taxpayers?

    Of course they have.

  8. Dude, Republicans do not care whether their “plans” are realistic or not. They don’t actually intend to enact them. They’re just rage-fodder for their base.

    It’s like Vermin Supreme promising everyone a pony. Except this time, Vermin might win.

  9. Of course they have. Through public-private partnerships, like the prison industrial complex. Duh!

  10. Also it would kick the economy in the fuggin balls and everything would be unaffordable. Which is kinda all they care about, yet they can’t imagine that. Dum dums.

  11. they literally had concentration camps committing crimes against humanity on TV the last time Trump was in office, what makes you think that’s not exactly what they want to see this time?

  12. Former evangelical christian here, they know and that’s exactly what they want. The cruelty is the point.

  13. Yes they’ve considered, and they’re good with it. Of course. These aren’t downsides to them.

  14. Not to mention it will be just like Florida when DeSantis made all the illegals leave and everything shut down.

  15. They want to use the national guard of some states to invade other states. Like… how is that not the leadup to civil war?

  16. The thing about this is simple. If you really care about undocumented immigration, then set up robust checks that employers MUST do, or else the employers are liable.

    What’s that? That’s the sound of all the rich donors who abuse people for cheap farm labour complaining that they just wanted their workers to be scared of speaking up. They didn’t want anyone to actually change the system.

  17. Only 5 million? Everyone knows that 20 million illegal immigrants came into this country since Biden has been President (according to Trump).

  18. Smaller tax base to support all the boomers. Regardless of popular opinions we do in fact, need workers.

  19. “Have they even considered….”

    No. No, they have not. At no point do they “consider” anything they spout off about.

    It’s all about the fantasy.

  20. I don’t think they care. They certainly aren’t against camps and warcrimes, and as to the cost, you’ll notice they never bring up the debt unless Democrats are in charge.

  21. The GOP is a terrorist organization and hate group. They would love to broadcast their crimes against humanity on tv 24/7.

  22. Joe Biden has processed and deported more immigrants from Mexico than Trump. He also just signed an executive order to cut asylum seekers, and democrats, going against the left of their party (again) were ready to approve the most conservative border bill in decades. Republicans dropped it so Biden would look bad. These are ridiculous, unserious clowns with shit for brains and worse smelling ideas. Time to flush em.

  23. Um… Obama was called the Deporter-In-Chief because he deported more undocumented immigrants than any other president.

    He also authorized drone strikes that killed civilians in West Asia, and according to him the mission was worth the collateral damage that included deaths of brown children

    All this is public information, easily google-able. But as of 2024, he’s enjoying the good life and is often held as an example of what a good president looks like.

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