Child rapist Steven van de Velde weeps in first interview after dodging media in Paris

Posted by TheMirrorUS

  1. “I did something wrong, ten years ago.” Still trying to minimize the fact that he raped a child, I see. *Doing something wrong* is like, I don’t know, shoplifting at a supermarket. He committed one of the worst crimes imagineable. The fact that he’s still trying to downplay it is why people will not leave him alone, and won’t leave his partner and wife – who are also downplaying it – alone.

  2. >“I did something wrong, ten years ago. I have to accept that. But hurting people around me – whether it’s Matthew (Immers – his Paris 2024 teammate), my wife, my child… that just goes too far for me. That’s definitely a moment where I thought, is this worth it?”

    >He added: “Someone can hold me responsible for what happened forever. That’s okay, someone has the right to do that, but I try to focus on what I can influence. I know this will play a role for the rest of my life. I have to accept that, because I made a mistake.”

  3. See that’s the thing about Child Rapists, really any rapists, if they get the “nice young guy with potential” treatment, the court of public opinion will punish them since the justice system refused to. Scumbags like Van de Velde and Brock Turner should never be allowed to live their lives without constant reminders of the harm they have inflicted.

  4. I’m shocked that he is married and has a child!! Who in their right mind would marry a child rapist?! That is just horrendous

  5. “Van de Velde, who is now married with children of his own, is unable to escape his past after he was targeted by boos and jeers from the crowd while competing in the Games”

    Of anything bad happened to that family. Well, the wife knew. This is her choice and anything that comes out of that, she takes a bulk responsibility for

  6. To answer his question… NO someone like him should not be allowed to stand on any podium. A horrible representation of human decency, let alone the pinnacle of sport. He’s despicable.

  7. You weren’t punished dude, that’s why we hate you. People who receive punishment may or may not receive forgiveness, but assholes who run to their county that downplays rape and fails to punish rapists don’t get treated nicely.

  8. He rapes a little girl but thinks we’re monsters for saying there should be consequences. Sure thing bruh.

  9. You know I would respect him a whole lot more if he hadn’t dodged and frankly was like “Look I understand why people don’t want me here etc”

    But no dodged like the absolute coward he is.

  10. You know, the craziest thing is he could have avoided all this if he had just avoided the spotlight, like anyone who felt any real shame would.

    It’s clear from his words and actions that he feels no remorse for what he did.

  11. I have zero sympathy for him whatsoever. He should never have been allowed to compete at the Olympics.

  12. ” I understand that it’s an issue, should someone with such a past be allowed to stand on such a podium? That’s a legitimate question.” No 

    I hate all the “he did his time” BS that his teammates say, he did one year of a four year sentence then was released early by Dutch authorities.

  13. “I made a mistake.”

    You didn’t trip and cut your knee by accident. You deliberately and long-term groomed, plied, and assaulted a child.

    You did not deserve to go to the world stage and the honour of being an Olympian.

  14. I’m so annoyed by the Dutch media that keeps portraying him like a victim in this story. They get an opportunity to interview him but they just make it a sob story about him. Not a word about whether he realized that his participation means his victim has to relive her trauma every time she opens the internet or turns on the TV. It’s like the NOS doesn’t give a damn about the victim at all, all they want is to create pity for this rapist.

    (Referring to this Dutch version of the article:

  15. Why is anyone interviewing him at all and what in the actual fuck were the Dutch thinking by allowing a pedophile represent them in the Olympics?

    Cry more, asshole.

  16. The fact that the Dutch Olympic Committee (or whoever made that decision) thought it was a good idea to take him to the Olympics is absolutely mental. Participation in the Olympics should be a hard-earned privilege, and the bare moral minimum for any athlete should be that they are not a convicted rapist.

    I wonder what people in the Netherlands thought about this? Were there any protests or outrage?

  17. Oh dang. Seeing the tears and all… I really do feel sorry for him actually…

    … I meant the interviewer who had to sit through this shit.

  18. This is the thing about committing a crime like that – there is NO end to your sentence. You might serve your time (ridiculously short time in his case), but there is no law that can prevent people booing you on the street, or ostracising you socially, or refusing to do business with you. You do something like that and society marks you *forever*.

  19. I feel awful for that 12 year old girl who is now 22 and having to see his name on the international stage. She must have been struggling during the last few weeks. 

  20. Maybe we should show their victims weeping instead? And instead remember that of the two the rapist chose their actions.

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