The continuing inability to comprehend that large swaths of uninhabited land and livestock cannot vote

The continuing inability to comprehend that large swaths of uninhabited land and livestock cannot vote

Posted by Scrambled_Creature

  1. The only counties in WY where the people out number the farm animals are blue…interesting

  2. Sorta. The land is definitely mostly inhabited, it’s just that there’s basically the same number of people living in the red areas as the blue areas.

  3. It’s funny how in the midwest and up the east coast, you can spot the big population centers as being blue. California is a little different because so many of the counties there are so massive.

  4. You know, there are some places on that map that are uninhabited. I wonder how they got turned red?

  5. if you add up all people in Wyoming, Montana, and the Dakotas, you still have less than LA

  6. The electoral college was added by the unpopulated states and the slave states. They didn’t have the voting population to counter the big cities of New York, Baltimore, Boston, and Pennsylvania.

    Watch for the hicks to try this shit at a state level, with one vote per county. Red America forever. 🙁

  7. You could just compare the numbers of popular vote each candidate got and that would be your answer, and that would be a better argument (including against the electoral system).

  8. Yet the Trump Cult members will bitch and moan if they are in the middle of one of those HUGE red areas and there’s NO cell coverage.

  9. Sadly for some the elections are based on people and not on square meter of land!

  10. Wait … explain it like you’re 10 cause I’m pretty sure anyone older would understand.

  11. Anyone who has ever driven across the western US knows there is absolutely nothing out there. It’s like hours of driving between tiny towns. Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Arizona, etc. It is so sparsely inhabited.

  12. Land doesn’t vote, people do, and most people don’t vote Republican.

    They know this. Everyone knows this. This is just part of their propaganda disinformation campaign

  13. Heh, they assume the huge swaths of open unoccupied space is automatically right-leaning. What would the map look like if it started out blue and only showed the red-leaning population centers?

  14. He’s a fun fact: Hennapin and Ramsey county, the two that both Minneapolis and St Paul reside in have more than half the entire states population living in it. In 2020, Biden carried both and with just those two counties, had more votes than the top 13 counties that went to Trump.

    Land doesn’t vote, people vote.

  15. The Greater Houston Area would be the 15th largest state by population.

    In Texas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and Dallas are all blue cities. The largest red city is Fort Worth, the fifth largest city. Texas has way more blue than most realize.

    We also have intense gerrymandering and voter apathy…

  16. Hell, it isn’t *just* that the land doesn’t vote. Many of those places will be one color even with a 51/49 split. It’s the entire REASON the EC and “winner take all” system simply doesn’t work. Every single county in that picture could be exceptionally close races, but you wouldn’t know it from such a simple visual display of the data.

    And taken further, it incentivises people to not vote in the first place. How often do you hear “My state is deep *color* so it doesn’t matter what I vote”? Too fucking often. We have no clue what the election would look like if we actually counted votes and not arbitrary political boundaries.

  17. On the upside, this post confirms the opinion I’d formed about Haley fans. She’s not as inconstant as Vance, but it’s close.

  18. FUN FACT: if you zoom in on that map a bit, you will see one county in western Nebraska that’s a lot bigger than the rest. That’s Cherry county. It’s slightly larger than the state of Connecticut.

    Connecticut has a population of about 3.6 million people.

    Cherry county is home to about 5,500.

  19. All the amber waves of grain, the ratsnakes, and chuckwalla lizards, don’t have an electoral college vote.

    She almost used that braincell! Keep trying gal, you’re so close to having an independent and educated thought.

  20. And yet those large swaths of empty land have an outsized effect on our lives. Wyoming only has one member of the House, but they get two senators and three electoral college votes. Per capita, that’s way, way more representation than California or Texas or New York gets. Given the disparity between representation and the popular vote, the difference is often greater than the entire population of several of the smaller states combined, it’s not entirely true that uninhabited land and livestock cannot vote. Uninhabited land and livestock can’t vote, but the tiny number of people who live in and around those areas get to have their votes count way more than mine does.

  21. 1. More people live in cities than rural areas.

    2. When you live in a city you somehow stop giving a shit about other people’s business.

  22. “HaleyFan” is in a small office space that smells like BO, stale cigarette smoke and burnt coffee.

  23. These are the same people who cannot comprehend why a county with 5000 people was able to have their votes counted that night, but the neighboring county with 1.7 million people took 3 days.

    Literally zero clue.

  24. This is why conservatives are so hostile to funding for education. Keep them ignorant and stupid, and they’ll vote for you forever and believe any bullshit lie you tell them.

  25. They claim to love the electoral college so much, but they don’t even understand how it works and what biases it has, meanwhile Trump shat all over it in 2020.

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