Trump Says Kamala as ‘Beautiful’ as Melania

Trump Says Kamala as ‘Beautiful’ as Melania

Posted by ChewyRib

  1. Kamala isn’t married to Trump, that makes her pretty on the inside too. She is prettier.

  2. Melania is completely indifferent and is scanning to see if there’s a Starbucks nearby

  3. That’s so strange. Even for Trump. Usually his thing is insulting his opponents, so this is just totally out of left field.

    Obviously there’s tons of things you could use to argue he’s senile, but I think this is the most obvious. He isn’t even acting like regular Trump anymore.

  4. Kamala is hotter. Melania is one of those “pretty” people who have an off-puttingly high number of bones in their face.

  5. Melania: Oh thank fuck. He can leave me alone for a while now. Take his smurf house dick somewhere else.

  6. Permanently the resident of the dog house.

    Melania ain’t ever letting Donold back in her bedroom.

  7. If she ever complimented him, he would say she is the greatest and smartest woman who ever lived. call him out on his bullshit = horrible woman destroying our country. That’s how he makes all his decisions. Kim Jung Un complimented Trump = he’s a great leader.

  8. Typical misogynistic crap. He wants to believe she’s successful only because of her appearance, not her intelligence.

    He’s constantly insulting her accomplishments because he truly believes a woman can only be successful because she’s beautiful.

    Nobody knows this better than his own wife.

  9. In other news, Kamala Harris reportedly threw up in her mouth a little bit when she heard that.

  10. So he’s objectifying women as always, basically calling her cute but stupid? The only good thing he’s said about her yet, and it’s about her looks. Deep. 🙄

  11. Maybe some stupid way of his to say that she is not black. God, mental he is, either way.

  12. Can we get Will Smith to slap him across the face and tell him to keep our candidate’s name out his fuckin mouth?

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