Truth Social’s stock sank after Trump’s Musk interview on X—and backers fume he ‘screwed’ them

Truth Social’s stock sank after Trump’s Musk interview on X—and backers fume he ‘screwed’ them

Truth Social’s stock sank after Trump’s Musk interview on X—and backers fume he ‘screwed’ them

Posted by dailydot

  1. Diehard far-right $DJT HODLers feel betrayed that Trump did an interview on X, which saw Truth Social’s stock price sink. “. I have lost thousands,” said one.

  2. of course he went on x, troof social has been sinking faster than his campaign ..

  3. Oh no, someone that helped Trump ended up being screwed over? I guess they’ve been asleep since the 80’s because that surprises quite possibly no one. Ask the lawyers that he got disbarred. Ask the people he’s gotten put in jail, you think he even cares? I don’t think he even remembers them.

  4. Screwing them wasn’t the plan, it’s just an unimportant side effect.

    The pan was always money laundering.

  5. Don’t his backers recognize a 4D stable genius move when they see one? I mean c’mon they know the drill.

  6. It Donald J Trump so they were 100 % screwd the moment they got involved with him why would they be any different from the rest ?

  7. When the insiders can finally sell their shares( about 90% of all shares) who the fuck is buying them? You can only sell them for what someone is willing to pay for them so when the market is suddenly flooded with unwanted shares every investor including Trump is going to make zero

  8. Oh, he screwed people for his own interests? Well, knock me over with a feather! These sucker rubs deserve everything they get. No sympathy.

  9. The same people that blew off the Trump University lawsuit are shocked that a scammer is gonna scam.

  10. Hunh. Imagine that. He screwed over his financial backers.
    See also:

    Trump University
    Trump Steaks
    Trump Shuttle
    Trump Casinos
    Plus another dozen or so additional bankruptcies and businesses run into the ground

  11. Just lie down and get under the bus, like everybody else who has ever tried to get in bed with Trump.

  12. I mean they could had “aired” it on both site. They should sue him for all his share before he can sell it 😂

  13. Trump screws business partners with shell company scam? Inconceivable!

    There’s good reason this guy was blacklisted by NY banks. 

  14. Hey magas that’s great news! This is an opportunities for you to scoop up some more Truth Social stocks on the cheap!!

  15. Guess what, he will repeatedly screw you, your wife, your children (literally, ew) and your entire family over without hesitation every single opportunity he gets it if benefits him by even the slightest of margins

  16. They’re just going to go page by page through the book, in a slow painful death, until they reach Chapter Eleven: Bankruptcy.

  17. Someone with the knowledge, could you explain if it’s possible for trump to have made money despite this constant shitshow.

  18. Everyone should know by now that an investment in Trump is a losing money proposition. The only ones who ever did pull anything out, didn’t care because it was all an illusion anyway to launder their dirty money mostly gleaned from ruZZian scams and corruption.

  19. He has screwed everyone that he has ever been involved with. Why did they think they would be special?

  20. I can only laugh at the rubes that got screwed by Trump. This guy has a life long record of fraud, got convicted of fraud and these idiots still thought it was a good idea to invest in one of his companies that was obviously fraudulent.

  21. I can only laugh at the rubes that got screwed by Trump. This guy has a life long record of fraud, got convicted of fraud and these idiots still thought it was a good idea to invest in one of his companies that was obviously fraudulent.

  22. Just curious who has empathy for the morons who thought they’d get rich investing with Trump ???

  23. Maybe it’s time to sell all of your worldly possessions and donate it all to the DJT collective

  24. Did they not STUDY Trump’s actual history as a businessman?

    All he does is screw his shareholders, partners, and employees.

  25. Bro if you’re still investing in Trump, it’s your own damn fault at this point. The man is a clown.

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