New Poll Says Harris Could Steal Crucial Trump State

New Poll Says Harris Could Steal Crucial Trump State

Posted by thenewrepublic

  1. Floridians, the time has come to make a choice that speaks not just to our politics, but to the very soul of our state and nation. In this pivotal moment, I urge you to cast your vote for Kamala Harris, whose vision for America represents a beacon of moral clarity in contrast to the deepening shadows cast by the conservative leadership that has gripped our state.

    Kamala Harris stands for justice and equality, principles that have too often been trampled under the current conservative agenda in Florida. Consider the stark reality: a state where leaders have worked tirelessly to suppress the voices of marginalized communities through draconian voting laws. These laws, designed under the guise of “election integrity,” are nothing more than thinly veiled attempts to disenfranchise Black, Latino, and young voters—people whose voices deserve to be heard, not silenced. Harris has consistently championed voting rights, understanding that democracy is strongest when all its citizens are empowered to participate.

    Look, too, at the conservative assault on reproductive rights in Florida. With legislation that strips women of their autonomy, our state has become a battleground where personal freedoms are under constant siege. Harris, a staunch defender of a woman’s right to choose, stands as a protector of these freedoms, ensuring that the government stays out of personal decisions that should be made between a woman and her doctor—not dictated by politicians with archaic views.

    Florida’s leadership has also been complicit in the ongoing environmental crisis, ignoring the urgent need to address climate change even as our state faces the very real threat of rising sea levels and increasingly devastating hurricanes. Instead of taking decisive action, conservative leaders have pandered to corporate interests, allowing the continued exploitation of our natural resources. Kamala Harris, on the other hand, has long advocated for bold climate action, understanding that protecting our environment is not just a policy issue but a moral imperative. She recognizes that the fight for our planet’s future is also a fight for our children’s future.

    And let us not forget the treatment of our immigrant communities—families who contribute so much to the fabric of Florida’s society. Under conservative rule, immigrants have been demonized, with policies that tear families apart and fuel xenophobia. Harris’s stance on immigration reflects the values of compassion and humanity. She understands that America’s strength lies in its diversity and that our immigration system must reflect our highest ideals, not our basest fears.

    Floridians, we are at a crossroads. The choice before us is not just between two candidates, but between two fundamentally different visions of what our state and country should be. Kamala Harris offers a path forward that is rooted in justice, equality, and moral integrity—a stark contrast to the failures of conservative leadership that has too often prioritized power over people.

    By voting for Kamala Harris, you are not just choosing a leader—you are standing up for the values that define who we are as Floridians and as Americans. You are affirming that our state can be a place where everyone is treated with dignity, where the environment is protected for future generations, and where the rights of all are defended, not eroded.

    This is our moment to act. Let us choose wisely, let us choose morally, and let us choose Kamala Harris.

  2. “Steal” as in fake electors etc ? Wouldnt that be copywrite infringment at this point ?

  3. Get out there and vote. You have to save yourselves because God knows the Republicans won’t do shit to help you unless you have an 8 digit bank balance

  4. Even the old Republicans in the Villages are sick of Trump, DeSantis, and Rick Scott, who constantly threaten to reduce or take away their social security and Medicare!
    They are sick of getting 300% increases in their homeowners and auto insurance!
    Harris and Walz would never let this happen and have plans to increase social security and Medicare payouts along with cutting homeowners and auto insurance by regulating these crooks!

  5. Stay focused on what’s needed. Vote! Get everyone you know to vote. Poll accuracy is terrible and momentum can shift on a dime.

  6. Kamala isn’t stealing anything. There are no Trump states or Harris states.

    The American people will make the right choice this November and reject the anti constitutional Trump and vote in Kamala Harris. 🙂

  7. At the pace in which he is undermining his own campaign,

    It’s possible Kamala wins every single state.

  8. Let’s go Florida! Y’all have it in you to reject that orange rapist. Vote for Kamala and Tim!

  9. Considering Republicans track record in states like Texas, (seriously how many people did Abbot let die again) I wouldn’t be surprise to see it turn blue or at the very least turn extremely purple. The same in Florida with how insane Desantis and the GOP has been in that state as well

  10. Stop this polls say nonsense. Just vote, encourage others to vote, and ignore the media and the polls and everything else that feeds on doom and sensationalism.

  11. What a terrible headline. Winning the vote is not “stealing.”

    It’s called winning. Nobody owns anything. Florida does not belong to Trump.

  12. Kamala could honestly get any state that matters in the electoral college, as long as she keeps playing her cards right and Trump keeps imploding. There aren’t enough MAGA cultists to win him states, they need moderate conservatives.

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