Ukraine should ‘close down’ war with ‘full-scale operation’ | Vadym Prystaiko

“44 villages and settlements taken, which is just twice as much as Russians managed to get an hour north during all their summer campaign.”

Ukraine should “close down” the war with Putin as they carry out “full-scale operation” deep inside Russian territory, says Ukraine’s former ambassador to the UK Vadym Prystaiko.

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  1. It's the leaders that make war, not the people.. how do we allow these dictating, authoritarian, schizophrenic, murderous idiots be in charge, come on people, get change your leaders,,

  2. This is great news! Better news is that it looks like Putins' allies in the US are losing the election, ensuring a strong NATO alliance with Ukraine forever!

  3. Ukraine needs to be praised for their attempt to bring the reality of war to the insane and delusional idiotic Putin. If the West had the same amount of backbone and courage Putin wouldn't be threatening the world with a nuclear holocaust.

  4. Explain the "humiliation "………so far 350 armoured vehicles destroyed and 4000 casualties munitions running low and resupply very difficult… that's humiliating !
    Any advantage in the first 48 hours has gone as Russia responded and now is taking back territories . What will another week bring! Rambling on mere days into a incursion is way beyond ridiculous and only sets up NATO for ridicule! Tone down the celebrations lads its only started ! And already the destruction and casualties is horrendous.

  5. The weapons and training the NATO nations provides lends itself to this type of war fighting. Think the “gun-run to Baghdad”. Rather than digging trenches and slugging it out for years, this is the way the US does war. It’s just now that Ukraine is given “permission” to fight this way.

  6. Putin will be defeated because, his Special Operation was nothing more than bullying with no regard for life. He will lose and Russia as a country, will be in Turmoil.

  7. putin has found a new way to feed and house his conscript soldiers in the kursk oblast. they surrender to ukraine. putin is a logistical genius.

  8. Ukraine should NOT close down the war till Russia has to pay full reparations to Ukraine and Putin is hunted down and charged with crimes against humanity!! If it were up to me, also Russia must relinquish all it's nuclear weapons and control of it's military as well!

  9. Putin should not use that nuclear threat ever again because its not Ukraine who started this war, it is Russia invaded Ukraine and its just right to strike back and do something to win and get back your Land. Putin should withdraw his troops out of the territory he occupied including Crimea and the war could be over tomorrow if he wants it. SLAVA Ukraine.🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  10. So Sorry, Ukraine Does Not Have the Military-Mass of The kremlin. Russia is The World Gas Station…. The USA is a Resource Hyper-Dependent Nation … OFTEN CHILDISHLY DEPENDENT ON RESOURCES "FROM ITS ENEMIES". Even with Sanctions, Russia is Self Sufficient and can Outlast Ukraine… ONLY NATO CAN BRING THEM DOWN.

  11. Why would they withdraw? What would be the advantage? If the frontline in this general are once more becomes more or less static, why not have it be static on Russias territory instead of Ukraine’s?

  12. The fact is that it is easier to attack the Russian main land that fight in Ukraine front lines. Creativity is a card that Ukrainian are playing usefully.

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