Confirmed bids for 2036 Summer Olympics as of today

Posted by false_friends

  1. Honestly all of these sound cool as hell to me. Personally I would lean toward Chile or Indonesia as I’m pretty sure they’ve never hosted any major global sporting event.

  2. Letsssgoooo Santiago. Only cause I want somewhere different.

    If not letsgoooo Instanbul cause you guys have been trying for years.

  3. Nusantara is way too close to Brisbane, both time-wise and geographically. No-one has forgotten or forgotten the shitshow that was the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games. The Americas aren’t getting two Games in eight years and I have difficulty believing it would be a good use of Chile’s money.

    Europe _needs_ the Games every twelve years so it’s Turkey time, but I’d like assurances that Erdogan will actually gone by then.

  4. I’m just thinking about the insane heat we will have at any of these in 2036 giving the heat waves we already have now in Paris for example

  5. I’m shocked that Saudi Arabia and Qatar are not there with their recent sportswashing campaigns.

  6. Nusantara doesn’t even really exist right now, the infrastructure is hand waivy right now, and it has an average high of 86 and low of 78 in August. It’s also crazy humid. It makes rio look like a nice, cool place to chill. There’s a ton of issues with safety, etc. It won’t happen.

  7. Wherever it is I just hope they don’t build insane stadiums that will become white elephants 2 years after the games …

  8. I would go for Santiago, because they recently hosted the Panam games and their organization was 9/10 [just one problem in the 20km…but that can be easily solved]
    Turkey lets see how they host the European games in 2027.

    Indonesia seems good, but like the 2032 is gonna be in Brisbane and like it would be too close from one Oly to other.
    India…seems the fav atm in the eyes of the IOC, but like the 2010 Dehli commomwealth games were a disaster of organization…and idn how much better they would do in terms of organizations this days.
    Qatar and Saudi are literally the worst places to do it of any candidates, but they have one “big advantage” compare to anywhere else

  9. Turkey has wanted it for a while. Istanbul is an amazing city. Santiago is a gorgeous city with crazy fans (if you guys have seen music concerts in Chile then you know), I approve.

  10. I’m surprised India doesn’t propose Mumbai or Calcutta, is there something I don’t understand?

  11. I’m always against countries hosting Olympics while most of their population is struggling.

    In indonesia, 80% people earn less than 10$/day.

    In India, it’s 93%.

    And even turkey and Chile are only at 25 and 20%.

    For comparison, France and Japan are below 1%, and even USA is below 3%…

    It’s the same issue with Rwanda wanting to host F1 races, develop your country before hosting big events.

  12. I remember the many problems India had when they hosted the 2010 commonwealth games. Hosting the Olympics would be many many problems.

  13. Indonesia bidding for Olympics only two years after one of the biggest stadium disasters in history (resulting in 135 deaths and 583 injuries) is, ughh, certainly a choice.

    Also, outdoor sports in India or Indonesia in the summer? Please no, people would melt.

    Chile would be nice. I doubt Turkey is in good enough financial shape to do this.

  14. I’m excited for all of them. But I’m #TeamSantiago #TeamChile.

    Here’s hoping (if I’m still alive by then), we’ll see another Olympics in South America!

  15. I have the weird felling that those countries dont have the 10 – 20 billion dollars laying around for the olympics

  16. Which one of these won’t have to build brand new stadiums and facilities that will be left to rot after the games?

  17. The election of the city for the Olympic Games is above all political.
    Erdogan is an asshole to the world, it doesn’t matter if the project is the best, Turkey will never win.

  18. Istanbul, Yusuf Dikec will fire a shot to lit up the Olympics cauldron at the opening ceremony

  19. New York could definitely host the Olympics, and it might even help deal with the rat problem! I lived in London during the 2012 Olympics, and I can say that the city was less prepared than New York is now. Yet, the Olympics were a huge success!

  20. I’m Indian. Although India can afford to host, it will definitely be a Rio-like situation later! Knowing the incompetency that goes around the country, I think the Games could be a bane for India.

  21. tokyo should be given another chance, automatically, within the next decade. they sacrificed a lot and lost a lot of investments just to hold the games with the pandemic still raging. and the 2021 olympics uplifted many hearts and minds during those hard times.

  22. Racist Reddit will have a collective meltdown if 2036 Games are awarded to India or Indonesia. Imagine the “bad air quality” “polluted water” “safety of women / lgbtq” rants that would flood reddit, trying to brand 2 large countries with 1.4 billion / 270 million population as not worthy based off a few incidents and stereotypes they’ve read on internet.

  23. The negativity towards India in the comments is insane. I’ve probably only seen one positive comment about India. Comments about the heat and monsoons are totally valid but there’s way too much negativity stemming from videos people have seen online

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