Russia May Face New Mobilization Due to Troop Shortages Amid Kursk Incursion

Russia May Face New Mobilization Due to Troop Shortages Amid Kursk Incursion

Posted by UNITED24Media

  1. Russia biting off more then they could chew, russian economy is going to take more of a hit over if they go through with it, both in short and long term.

    For context, america spent like 2 trillion usd in afghanistan campaign and and is expected to pay another 4-6 trillion in veteran benefits over it. The costs are not always immediate.

  2. Probably not, just as they probably won’t shift significant forces from Donbas either. Unless there is some new surprise being prepared, the Kursk incursion just might break the back of the Ukrainian military. Bizarre yolo moment.

  3. They’re gonna have to get some of their troll farmers off the computer and onto the battlefield. Sorry to those reading this that get drafted, maybe you can try telling the Ukrainians they’re fake news.

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