Don´t be afraid to be different – Raygun

Posted by Own_Negotiation6005

  1. Can we please stop defending Raygun? The problem isn’t that she was diiferent the problem is she sucked.

    She was at the Olympics representing her country and her sport and she had the same kind of approach as if she was at her local battle, round the block with her pals.

    This shows she has an ego problem and is seriously delusional, which is a very common problem in the culture in general.

  2. Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s good. Plus that woman is delusional and have no self-awareness.

  3. Well she was just bad. Perhaps the competition in Australia b girl breaking is not that good?

  4. Break might have stood a chance to comeback to Olympics 2032; become as popular as the 100m sprint, but Phd Raygun put the final nails in its coffin.

  5. can we please just let that horrible display recede from our collective memory?! stop bringing her up, stop giving her space

  6. If you told me Racheal Gunn, Raygun, isn’t a real person, and this has been some kind of Banksy style experimental performance art, I would believe you.

    I never thought breaking would be a massive, mainstream hit at the Olympics, but maybe close to how skateboarding was and is received.

    Never would I guessed any of this.

    It’s truly fascinating, in a non-judgmental way.

  7. not hating on her or anything… its just sad that people defending her are not seeing the reality that Australia could have gotten further if someone that are really a master in breakdancing took her place.

    also the fact that her action could have made the decision that breakdancing would not be included in future Olympics…

    most people are not pissed at her because she’s trying to be different or trying her best, but the fact that she can perform in the Olympics with that level of skill is the problem, that means denying the rights of other b boys/b girls from Australia that probably has better chances of being there and properly compete for their country, its called Olympics for a reason, most athletes are preparing this events since they’re little.

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