Uh Oh

Uh Oh

Posted by code_brown


    Hopefully there are already plans to have a large military presence to neutralize any would-be insurrectionists or violent “protesters”.

  2. I know it’s more of a ceremonial role but I can’t help but grin at the prospect.

  3. The Trump Cult will still try, that’s part of belonging to cult in which thinking is considered a sin.

  4. Regardless if it’s a landslide blue victory or a tight race, you’d better believe the right-wingers will have calls to “mobilize” simply because of who it is that’ll be certifying it.

    “If I had a nickel for every time an angry mob called for the hanging of the VP for ratifying the election results, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice” (and between two different parties, one after another, no less).

  5. It should not matter. It never did prior to Trump.

    Let’s go back to being normal please.

  6. I mean, according to what all the mouth breathers at my job were saying almost 4 years ago Kamala can declare herself president as the VP. Any state the Democrats lose, the DNC can just send replacement electors. I’d love to hear the arguments of how this is different.

  7. I want to see her standing in front of a podium, opening a golden envelope, and say, “And the next president of the United States of America is… (dramatic pause)… Donald J… oh wait, sorry, I read the loser box…”

  8. That’s the only saving grace in my opinion. If it were Trump’s lackeys in charge, it’d be a done deal, they just cheat and rush it through before the dust settles. But I can at least hope that with people with integrity in charge, the shenanigans should HOPEFULLY be limited to just theatrics.

  9. Be careful…when Trump losses, there well be a huge push by GOP to force Biden out. That makes Kamala prez and no VP. Who certifies the election then???

  10. It’s good, and yet it will certainly cause a big stir among the Trumplicans. A Vice President hasn’t succeeded the president they served under in over 30 years. It’s *completely ceremonial* and should go on as scheduled, but still

  11. And she won’t even have to hide from her boss and his cronies who are trying to lynch her.

  12. Kamala wouldn’t refuse to certify trump’s election if he somehow wins.

    She, and probably all of us, would be very upset giving the country over to the man who will end it, but she’d have no choice.

  13. So what happens if there actually is election tampering in trumps favor and she refuses to certify?

    For example project 2025 where they are positioning electors that will not follow the will of the people…

    How does this position help her?

  14. And guess who has immunity for official acts, like those that arise from his oath to protect the Constitution? Thanks Supreme Court!

  15. Honest question; does she have the power to NOT certify it if the red ratfuckers do some ratfucking with the electoral votes?

  16. Someone really stupid is going to say: *This constitutes a conflict of interest!*

    The last sitting VP to certify his own election to president was George H.W. Bush. The first was Johm Adams (he was also the first VP – ever).

  17. Man, our election system needs streamlining and overhauling. Federal voting could be easily done on a phone app at this point.

  18. Stalin…..”It doesn’t matter who the people vote for. What matters is who counts the votes.”

  19. Trump has said dozens of times that the VP can reject the results.

    If it gets to that point I would LOVE to see it!

  20. Plus, with the immunity for “official acts”, MAGA should have no problems with this, right? RIGHT?

  21. Serious Question here… Not at all do I think this is possible but:

    With the “recent” Supreme Court ruling…. If Harris DID decide (not that she would) to certify the election for herself illegally… It wouldn’t matter because she’d be immune since she’s “acting in an official capacity”, right?

  22. Why Did They Just Say I Deserved To Get Shot At By The Police For Being In Handcuffs For A Red Bull Commercial:

  23. Oh my fuckin God!!!!! This will be hilarious!! No one’s mentioned this yet. They’re all still hung up on her stealing a primary election that hadn’t happened yet. While not saying a peep about the states that didn’t allow anyone to primary against Trump and just rubber stamped him regardless of what their constituents actually thought. At least we eventually held a vote. 😂

  24. Only true if you


    – **Register.**
    – Check your registration. **Some states have purged voter rolls.**
    – Be sure to **register no fewer than 30 days before the election in which you wish to vote.**
    – **If you have questions contact your state officials.**

  25. Why didn’t vice president Biden in 2017 say „Donald an Mike can duck off I’m giving it to Hillary“

  26. her role is ceremonial and completely unattached to any form of oversight. they got nothing to say about brian kemp being in charge of his own election and purging the voter roles but they got all the smoke for stacey abrams calling it out. they don’t actually care about any of this stuff enough to learn about it, they’re all about vibes

  27. Republicans have already learned this and have moved upstream to the states. Election boards in Georgia have been stacked with MAGA election deniers, and laws have been changed to allow delays for virtually any made-up suspicion of fraud. The VP can’t certify electors that are never sent, and no need to storm the capital this time.

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