The other planets are so shameful duh

Posted by DivideByZero1989

  1. Shouldn’t the medals be equal? Or were there some extra terrestrials from outside of the solar system competing? Like raygun

  2. Only fair.Jupiter didnt send anyone so fck em. Its like when Americans host the WORLD series.

  3. Why is there more gold than silver? Did an event get 2 gold medalists or did a silver medalist get disqualified?

  4. You’d think the Jupiterians would do much better in the high jump and pole vault with the change in gravity.

  5. Nobody cares about team Earth and it makes me sad. Everyone thinks just of their local tribe.

  6. If the moon competed separately would that kind of be like Puerto Rico competing separately than the US

  7. I’m gonna need the Men in Black to weigh in on how many of those athletes are from Jupiter’s moons. Show me the receipts!!

  8. Petition to include Pluto while Neil deGrasee Tyson is asleep as team refugee olympics

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