In 2024 we’ll have flying cars!

“In 2024 we’ll have flying cars!”

Posted by SafeThrowaway691

  1. “…gravitate to identity grievance politics.”

    This is an astonishing example of projection. Just wild.

  2. What a load of Bullshit.

    The only people who fit that description in Minnesota are the Amish.

    The Amish/Trump Connection

    Much has been made of the story that the Amish supported Trump. But is this true? Did the Amish endorse Trump?

    Trump, as a conservative candidate, may have appealed to certain members of the Amish community more than his liberal counterparts. But although Amish people are ultra-conservative in their lifestyle choices, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they were all Trump supporters

    Irrespective of who’s in the running, less than 10% of the Amish in general vote in presidential elections

  3. lol, never challenge a reich winger on racism. Just like how they always build a better idiot, they’ll rise to this occasion too!

  4. People say there are unassimilated German immigrants living in the midwest. A lot of people are saying it. So many people. They come up to me, they say, “Sir! There are a lot of Germans here.” And we just touched down in my beautiful jet in Hamburg, the home of the great American Hamburgers in the midwest. so I knew it was true. So many Germans.

  5. I won’t call that commenter stupid, I’ll just say he’s the opposite of smart.

  6. ”Fully American” is a rich one. There’s another one we’ll never hear them define.

  7. If someone waves a Nazi flag, wears Nazi gear, and has Nazi tattoos, they should be deported.

  8. ***You’ve got a wide brow. What are you, Scandinavian? Swedish dogs! Your blood is tainted by generations of race mixing with Laplanders. You’re basically Finns!***

  9. What the actual F*! These morons are so weird it’s a whole other dimension of weird.

  10. It’s kind of hilarious because the Midwest typically gets defined as Americana, and so much Midwest culture comes from the wide amount of German settlers that ended up there. I give you – massive amounts of beer drinking per capita, sausage, and about 50 food dishes that came over and slowly … assimilated… into the area cuisine.

  11. The GOP ticket whines about BEING TRUE AMERICANS! (Just don’t look at our immigrant wives).

    This is how you can tell these people have NOTHING to offer America that we’re buying. They cannot run from their platform any harder.

  12. Says the follower of man who can’t shut up about crowd sizes and how unfair this election has become?  Next level projection bs.

  13. The trump family are literally unassimilated German immigrants. donald’s grandparents immigrated from Germany so they wouldn’t have to go to war and for generations have flouted U.S. laws and norms to their own financial advantage. They don’t believe in the Constitution, they don’t believe in the rule of law, they don’t believe in civility or any of the tenets of liberal democracy.

  14. Ah yes it’s the.. checks notes.. *democrats* who feed on grievance not the GOP whose candidate spends every waking hour pontificating and whining about his grievances.

    Got it.

  15. Meanwhile, I hear “communities of unassimilated Germans in the US” and start figuring out exactly how financially ruinous it would be for me to quit the military before earning that sweet, sweet pension so I can move to Minnesota or Wisconsin.

  16. Except its Republicans doing the identity grievance politics. That’s literally their entire platform.

  17. I just looked up the name Vance for contrast. It means from the marsh. His name literally means “JD from the swamp.”

  18. Fuck these morons are hard work. Imagine being stuck living with one and to be fair, LOL, imagine being this messed up and wondering why your friends list is diminishing and can’t understand or if it’s an trolling act, how much effort that must take.

  19. Isn’t Trump’s family actually from Germany and they changed their name from Drumpf to escape this kind of shit?

  20. Out of curiosity, what is Walz’s heritage?

    “He is of German, Swedish, Luxembourgish, and Irish descent; in 1867 his great-great-grandfather Sebastian Walz emigrated from Kuppenheim in the Grand Duchy of Baden, now in Germany, to the United States, one of his grandmothers was Swedish American, and one of his great-grandmothers was Irish American.” [Wikipedia](

  21. Does this BS go for intellectual discourse on the right? “Unassimilated German immigrants” – wtf does that even mean (esp in states that can’t get enough of their heritage). Besides being yet another case of projection this also qualifies as top grade word salad devoid of any actual meaning or content (besides the “all immigrants are bad” dogwhistle) Disclaimer: I am an actual German immigrant living in the upper midwest

  22. LOL WHAT

    This is insane. Trump is literally running on revenge and retribution and *Tim Walz* is the guy running on grievance politics????

    I’m sorry I can’t wrap my head around this, it’s too much

  23. Republicans: “These people aren’t truly Americans”

    Also Republicans: “We want to overturn a Democratic election and install anew unelected leader just like the Founding Fathers would have wanted!!”

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