‘Major concerns’: Trump team reportedly fearful of mental decline after press conference

‘Major concerns’: Trump team reportedly fearful of mental decline after press conference


Posted by Velma_quean

  1. He’s gonna run again in 2028 lol. There will be people convinced he’s still alive long after he’s dead.  The cult is real and it’s scary. But it will absolutely ruin the Republican party, which makes me happy. 

  2. No they’re not. He would be pulled from the campaign if there was actual concern…his “team” has no power over Trump’s campaign.

  3. I tend to think that what his team thinks and what his supporters think are vastly different. I feel like his supporters like all the incoherent ramblings and talk about fake AI crowds and purposely making fun of Harris’ name etc. His team realizes his behavior is terrible for a general election but his followers believe the entire country is behind him.

  4. I’d be more concerned with the Twitter/Musk pbbbthssssuffering pbbbthsssuccotash Sylvester thing…we are going to ride that train to hell and back since he made fun of Biden’s stutter. He could barely handle being called weird, now every time he slurs he’s going to think about it.

  5. Decline NOW!! Has anyone been paying attention for the last 10 years?

    Covid would just disappear by Easter 2020 and use bleach and dewormer to treat COVID?

  6. If Trump permanently wrecks the Republican Party, I will admit with revenant awe that he was right all along and really did make America great again.

  7. So it looks like trumplethinskin did, in fact, keep ONE campaign promise.

    *”Drain the swamp”*

    We’d always heard the “both sides” arguments and, in some cases, enough had been shown to give credibility to the argument. But now? Not so much. Republicans have LITERALLY no plan forward, no proposal of how to improve quality of life in America, deal with housing crisis, wage disparity, homelessness, ANYTHING!

    But we can see the rabid bottom dwelling parasites (looking at you MTG) clearly now. No longer can the “both sides* argument work. Only one side is showing clear and INSANE government intrusion and overreach.

    So yea, he drained the swamp, and now we can see clearly the dangers that were existing deep.belwo the surface

  8. They’re just starting to be fearful of that now?! Glad they’ve caught up with the past eight years.

  9. Covfefe! Person, woman, man, camera, TV! Did I mention covfefe? Can’t remember, gahhh

  10. The words “mental decline” should always be attached to his name. Along with rapist, felon, fat, grifter, and last but not least, POS!

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