Germany suspects Russian hand in sabotage at military bases

Germany suspects Russian hand in sabotage at military bases

Posted by alpacinohairline

  1. How many acts of sabotage before we acknowledge that 2 countries are actually at war?

    Because we’re at war already, and have been for many, many years.

    Gotta add words to make sure I’m not deleted for too small a word count smh.

  2. So, we’ve got suspicions of:

    1. Tampering with drinking water
    2. Arson attacks on storage warehouses
    3. Coordinated arson attacks on transportation infrastructure
    4. “Daily cyber attacks” on financial and infrastructure systems

    It’d be a hell of a thing if one of the states getting hit in these attacks would invoke Article 4. Not a full-blown Article 5 defensive call, but the Article 4 “consultation.” Something, *anything*, to set precedent that these kinds of attacks are recognized as *attacks.*

  3. Scholz should authorize Taurus deliveries to Ukraine as retaliation. If he doesn’t, he is too weak to protect Germany and the parties should immediately make plans to replace him.

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