I've seen them in a few places. They are curved like this and countdown (3, 2, 1). Unsure what they mean or what they are there for?

This was taken along Tamworth Rd, Kingsbury.

by Major-Pollution-746

  1. Someone at the council got a nice backhander ordering excess paint and assigning overtime to his workmates.

  2. No droopy moustaches in this area?

    Seriously don’t know, never seen this one. Another addition to the plethora of confusing unnecessary street signs and furniture.

  3. That’s been bugging me since I visited tamworth. I need an answer or I’ll have another sleepless night

  4. Just to be sure – when you say you’ve seen them do you mean in person or on Google Street View? If it’s the latter it could be a distorted normal roadsign

  5. Is there any context? Could that explain the markings? I’ve never seen this road marking and having done some searches, Highway Code, etc, I’d can’t find anything.

  6. I think it’s to encourage cyclists and motorbikes to use the centre of the lane. Possibly due to a restricted view junction ahead

  7. Only thing I can come up with as an educated guess is that they are countdown to a bend in the road which has a junction on which is partially obscured or limited view.

  8. Looks like they start at the start of the drop curb. What’s off to the left?

  9. They indicate its time for us to scour the highway code, with any luck a handful of us will learn about driving on the left.

  10. Had a dig round, couldn’t find anything on these! They have been there since sometime between May – August 2010 and have been repainted several times.. They always appear to be before some kind of hazard (junction/pedestrian crossing) so perhaps an attempt at some kind of “slow down”/”hazard” from the council?

  11. It’s to encourage motorbikes and cyclists to move to the centre of the lane. Normally because the bend has low visibility… I honestly have no idea but that sounds good no?

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