If they’re against immigration, why aren’t they punishing businesses who are hiring immigrants?

If they’re against immigration, why aren’t they punishing businesses who are hiring immigrants?

Posted by mortgagepants

  1. Trump hates immigrants coming here to take our jobs, but Mar-a-Lago hired 136 foreign workers in 2023.

    Melania Trump was granted an “Einstein” exception for a fast-tracked Visa.

    Trump’s mother was an immigrant who overstayed her Visa for years.

  2. Reagan Amnesty was supposed to have punishments for businesses but they were cut out of the bill for some reason.

  3. Because they’re not for or against anything. They’re puppets of their corporate billionaire masters.

  4. Because the rich people write the laws via their lobbyists. Anti immigration is just code for easily exploitable workers to them. Putting real penalties on the owners of business that exploits illegal immigrants would do more to curb immigration than any wall that they could build. When people learn that there’s no jobs for illegals, they’d stop coming at the rates they are now.

  5. That’s all it boils down to. You want to make illegal immigration near impossible? Start fining businesses that exploit immigrants massive amounts of dollars. The penalty needs to be so harsh that it’s cheaper to hire people who can work here legally. First time you’re fined, second time you’re fined and jailed, third time you donate your business to the american taxpayers.

  6. It is weird isn’t it?
    I wonder what the spouses think about that “poisoning America” line.

  7. It’s funny that two of the women are POC and I guess we should assume they are immigrants. But for the white one they choose a picture that looks so euro trash that we are suppose to assume no American born woman would dress like that so she must be an immigrant too.

  8. Yup trump married 3 immigrants. All his kids are anchor babies. Melina immigrated her parents”chain migration” the day he said he was against it. On wait that only count for shit hole countries. Sorry.

  9. Anyone who supports this doesn’t understand the devastating effects it will have on the economy let alone how many lives it will destroy.

  10. Jail and fine business owners who hire illegal immigrants.

    Remember the 600+ illegal immigrants picked up at the chicken processing plant in MS during the Trump administration. Guess whom they didn’t pick up? The owners and managers who hired the illegal immigration.

    An ICE official was on NPR months after the raid. The journalist asked why no managers had been arrested. The official said the investigation was ongoing.

  11. Common Republican male life path:

    Get married.

    Get dumped.

    Resort to importing a bride because no woman here will consider you.

  12. And each one of those immigrants is doing a job no American really wants to do.

  13. I’m pretty sure it’s so when they remove the illegal browns, they can then make then next target group do what the illegal browns do now. By force.

  14. They aren’t actually against illegal immigration, they a completely for it. But its a great handle to the gop vote, which is why they never actually do much about it and when they do its completely ineffective.

  15. They aren’t for removing immigrants. They’re for removing immigrants’ rights.

    An employee you can have deported at any time who is nearly incapable of fighting for labor rights or using for trampled labor rights is basically perfect for them.

    Thinking about whistleblowing? Guess I’ll just call ICE to separate you permanently from your children. Asking for a raise. Guess I’ll send you packing and get a fresh immigrant.

  16. Walmart and others, hire private companies to clean stores. they don’t care that the 20 plus workers are illegals.

  17. Reputation politicians love immigrants, especially illegal immigrants- they keep wages low

  18. Because they want to scare you with immigrants, but they won’t deport them because they want the cheap labor.

    It’s a win win for them.

  19. But those are sex objects and not *actual* people.

    /s, of course, but only kinda, because, well. Yeah.

  20. Being a Republican requires so much radicalization and insensitivity to cognitive dissonance you might as well call it a mental illness. They’ve proven they’re a threat to themselves and the community.

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