Trump Setting The Stage For a 2024 Election Challenge by Claiming Harris Candidacy is ‘Unconstitutional’

Trump Setting The Stage For a 2024 Election Challenge by Claiming Harris Candidacy is ‘Unconstitutional’

Trump Setting The Stage For a 2024 Election Challenge by Claiming Harris Candidacy is ‘Unconstitutional’

Posted by newsjam

  1. There will not be a suit heard in any court based on her candidacy. MAGA swallows the bullshit but judges tend to be a little smarter.

  2. “Why is it unconstitutional?”

    “Well, she’s black”

    That’s their entire argument

  3. Time to buy him another gallon or two of Preparation H. We know where WEIRD DONALD gets all these stupid ideas.

  4. That would be great. He can show us on the constitution where it says that. It doesn’t.

    President Biden has stepped down after winning the primary and has asked that his electoral votes go to Vice President Harris. The Constitution only outlines the electoral process, leaving the specifics of candidate selection to political parties. Not only is there nothing in the Constitution that prevents a primary winner from stepping down, this situation is not without precedent.

    Historically, parties have faced similar situations and managed them through their own rules. In 1972, Democratic nominee George McGovern’s vice-presidential pick, Thomas Eagleton, stepped down after the nomination, and McGovern replaced him with Sargent Shriver. In 1912, after the death of Vice President James Sherman, the Republican National Committee replaced him with Nicholas Murray Butler. Also, in 1872, after the death of Democratic presidential nominee Horace Greeley following the election, his electoral votes were distributed among various candidates.

    In the current scenario, it is up to the Democratic Party and the electors to honor President Biden’s request. Electors, who are pledged to the party’s candidate, would typically follow the party’s direction and cast their votes for Harris. This process is well within the party’s rights and aligns with how the electoral system functions.

  5. Trump is the only unconstitutional candidate. He led an insurrection to try to overthrow the government and kill his own vice president. Lock him up in Guantanamo and throw away the key. Harris 2024. We’re not going back.

  6. What’s unconstitutional is allowing someone who supported J6 to still be on the ballot, or to be giving presidents immunity for official acts

  7. Oh, NOW he cares about upholding the constitution.

    Also, spoiler alert you orange shit stain. There’s nothing in the constitution that prohibits her candidacy.

  8. I don’t ever remember seeing anything in the Constitution in regard to how a political party selects its candidate.

  9. Who cares? My kid thinks it isn’t fair to not have ice cream every day but just because someone says something stupid doesn’t mean we have to repeat it.

  10. Brace yourselves for all his weak sauce Republicrat ass kissers to fall in line on this and refuse to certify or some nonsense.

    I can hear Ted Cruz and Mike Johnson and Jim Jordan all parroting the nonsense.

  11. Donald, I just want you to know, you can’t just say the word unconstitutional and expect anything to happen.

  12. Not to side track the discussion but I’ve been wondering what happens if Trump dies, chokes on a burger or his plane drops out of the sky like that one did in South America last week, before the election? Does JD Vance become the nominee and has to make a VP pick or do the Republican delegates have to nominate someone, could be Vance, first?

  13. supreme court should weigh in on this asap. if they go through and entire election and then decide it’s unconstitutional after she wins, that will be a civil war.

  14. “Trump Says” hits exactly like “Russia Says”.

    It is ALWAYS just some BS angle to take advantage of people.

    It’s gross. Why the Republicans decided to chop their nuts off and let this weirdo run again is beyond me, but thank you!

  15. There’s nothing in the Constitution about how the parties nominate their candidates. The country would certainly benefit from an amendment banning convicted felons from being president, though.

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