Russian forces released helicopter guncam footage of them accidentally taking out their own convoy with guided missiles.

by BigDeckBob

  1. I mean its shit to see friendly fire, but can you blame them? How the hell could you acquire and recognise friendly from foes with those thermal imaging? I wonder where was there radio? Don’t they communicate?

  2. How do we know?

    Edit: Placement on road checks out, distance between vehicles checks out, silhouettes kinda checks out.

  3. the blinking message “turn on the drive” (включи привод). What is this drive about? What they didn’t turn on?

  4. I heard on Ukraine Matters YT vid yesterday about a russian column that was destroyed by FF. It was reported as an invading Ukrainian column because intel was so murky. Wonder if this was the one

  5. Russians in russian helicopters blowing up russians in russian vehicles inside russia. It’s really true, russia is a self-sufficient nation.

  6. The commander briefing the mission should have been more explicit in which vehicles to take out. For all we know he never explicitly said Ukrainian. Joking aside, it has to be extremely difficult to figure out friend from foe when 90% of the equipment is used by both sides.

  7. Oh look Vlat! The Ukraine armour is facing back towards Ukraine positions. Let’s hit them before they retreat!! Pass me the Vodka Vlat before you shoot the second..

  8. I guess it looks like an M113, but can’t the pilot switch to a non thermal camera to like check? Im sure being a pilot is about making split second decisions, but it can’t hurt to like check,right?

  9. Just imagine being a hopeful Russian soldier, hoping the 50/50 of survival works in your favor, only to find out tgat the 50/50 doesnt mean : die to drone/ live to see end.

    But that the 50/50 really means: die to drone/ die to your own fucking side killing you and there is no room in the proportion for survival.

  10. A well executed attack. The crew is perfectly safe and has been transferred to assist the crew of Moskva in their secret undercover mission.

  11. The only good Russian is a dead Russian. And by the looks of this video, even they know it!

  12. I can’t imagine how much friendly fire there is in this war. Both sides using the same russian designed armored vehicles gotta be confusing, trying to see which silhouette is which. There was already plenty American Friendly Fire in the middle east.

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