Trump getting hacked just isn’t news!

Trump getting hacked just isn’t news!

Posted by BestStoogewasLarry

  1. The media is not the general populations friend. They are in lock step with corporations and the billionaires. They push stories when it conveniently enables money to be made. They are just enablers to a broken system that for the most part has shackled the majority of Americans – some who are aware and some not so much.

  2. For good or ill, the information in 2015 was published by WikiLeaks. The media didn’t directly release the information. If the hacked information today gets published or dumped, the media will be all over it. Until then, there are journalistic and legal considerations.

  3. ‘The decision for newsrooms to not publish the Vance materials — a compilation of publicly available records and statements, including Vance’s past criticisms of Trump — appeared to be more straightforward because they also didn’t reach a high level of public interest. “In the end, it didn’t seem fresh or new enough,” [Matt] Murray said.’


  4. In 2016 Clinton was perceived as being up. Releasing harmful information fueled the horserace.

    Right now Trump is perceived as down. Releasing harmful information hurts the horserace.

  5. Same with Epstein stuff. Trump’s name all over the documents somehow aint news 🙄

  6. What if it’s nothing but creepy AI rule 34 images of Trump that even 4Chan would call deprave?

  7. That’s largely because the Hilary Docs contained nothing 

    And Trump docs must contain an insane amount of goodies, since rumor has it, it was Rodger Stones access level

  8. It might be an unpopular opinion but I’m glad they’re not releasing this stuff. It pisses me off that a foreign government is doing this and they have no right to do so. We don’t need this to win unlike Trump who very likely needed the email scandal to win in 2016.

  9. Both were done for the same reason.

    National news media greatly benefits from having a close presidential race. Presidental elections are a ratings bonanza for news network but it needs to be competitive. That’s why they always try to turn every election into a horse race regardless of how close (or not) it actually is.

    In 2016 they released the hacked emails because the general feeling was that she would run away with it and Trump didn’t have a chance. A doc dump to take her down a peg was beneficial.

    In 2024, Trump is seen as barely grasping onto the finals straws of relevancy. He’s a weak candidate with no meaningful strategy to take on his opponent. It is once again very much in the media’s best interest to shield him from anything that could hurt his campaign. They need it to remain close so people will continue to tune in.

    The fourth estate is dead. Large media organizations have no interest in journalism. Only in maximizing profits and right now shielding Trump from drama to keep him competitive in the election is the best way for them to do that.

  10. *allegedly* hacked.

    Especially since nobody wants to share the “leaks” and it’s very convenient timing for them to start claiming election interference later on, I’m very skeptical

  11. Real news organizations not named Wikileaks have to vet all the material they release and report. It’s not beneath state actors or malevolent 3rd parties to take hacked material, then slip in doctored or fake material that fits their needs if published and attached to the hacked source, then leak all of it.

    Rachel Maddow [did a report]( for instance was given “leaked” NSA documents but her producers did due diligence and found the fakes in them.

    Think back to Dan Rather doing a report on GW Bush that flashed up documents on screen that were leaked to him, which were later proven to be forged/fake. Given the quick turn, it’s like Rove was the one to have the docs leaked to undermine Rather.

  12. Mega Corporations (especially media companies) aren’t your friends and actively hold you in contempt. The sooner we all realize they’re not allies, the better off we will be.

  13. The media is invested in making this a close race. It’s not interesting if it’s a blowout. Kamala has all the momentum, and trump cannot stop damaging himself. My uninformed opinion is that whatever is in the leak would be immensely damaging, potentially disqualifying information. If they report on the leaked contents this race is essentially over, and their corporate overlords will lose money. Maybe that’s conspiratorial, but mainstream media has been protecting trump this whole election.

  14. I would be very paranoid about them publishing this. Roger Stone involvement already makes me think this is some kind of rat fucking.

    Includes some fake stuff in with the real stuff and then you can discredit the publication. Remember what happened with the pee tapes?

    Include some especially salacious things about JD Vance so that you can eject him off the ticket like they want to do anyways but need an excuse.

    So all I’m saying is people should be careful what they’re wishing for. I think this is an inside job.

  15. Probably waiting until closer to the election.. no need in blowing your load with any damning evidence now and everyone forgets in a week.

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