Lean into it by all means!

Lean into it by all means!

Posted by Hot_Joke7461

  1. “We are all domestic terrorists.” Stop trying to sell us. We believe you, you’re traitors, we get it.

  2. These ugly men with bad hair want people’s teenage daughters to get pregnant and suffer just so they have somebody to talk shit about. 

  3. These fucking weirdos deserved to be mocked and ridiculed. Kind of like when we all watched tiger king. Ridiculous people acting like fools. Mocked and laughed at by everyone.

  4. These morons truly believe the crackdowns won’t apply to them. #SerenaJoy #LeopardsAteMyFace

  5. This makes me irrationally angry.

    So you want to throw away 240+ years of democracy? Think of all your great great great great grandparents who fought and sacrificed to give you freedom from monarchy.

    You are two dumb idiots who deserve scorn and derision.

  6. I’m hearing that the plan is to suspend the constitution and get rid of all the “corrupt” legislators. The true believers actually think Trump will save the country with this plan. It’s sad to know so many good, formerly intelligent people fall for these yarns. 

  7. The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe; for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.
    — Turkish proverb

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