Over the course of his 39 years, Vance’s first, middle, and last names have all been altered in one way or another, very Weird.

Over the course of his 39 years, Vance’s first, middle, and last names have all been altered in one way or another, very Weird.

Posted by h20poIo

  1. Hell ya that’s eyeliner – & expertly applied. If all the skeletons in his closet revolted, he’d be out!

  2. Search his old names. It’s very common to change your name after a criminal conviction or bankruptcy.

  3. I thought one of the name changes was legitimate? Like changing to his adopted family or something like that?

  4. This is partly why Trump picked him. He’s aspiring to be like Putin where nothing is certain and reality is not only subjective, but also a mirage.

  5. It’s honestly a little bit sad that it went this way for him. Don’t get me wrong, I have no sympathy for bigots, but he clearly is very uncomfortable with himself and searching for his identity. Unfortunately, he’s chosen to ride with a crowd that doesn’t subscribe to “identity politics”. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I would not be the least bit surprised to find out that he himself struggles with some type of dysphoria. He has a desire to keep changing how he presents himself, but there’s a line he won’t cross. He can keep changing names, but a turd by any other name, would still smell like shit.

  6. What I don’t get is the point. He could have been JD Bowman from the start, which is a perfectly cromulent name.

  7. I was trying to figure out why/how this happened and…

    Apparently he was originally named after his grandpa (James) and father (Donald Bowman), but the parents divorced when he was a toddler. So his mom changed his middle name to his uncle’s (David) and his last name to his step father’s (Hamel). Apparently there were issues with abuse, so he ended up being raised by the grandparents and took their last name (Vance).

  8. Unlike Néstor Carbonell, no one believes he just has ridiculously thick, dark eyelashes.

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