Trump needs someone to tell him the truth: He’s losing

Trump needs someone to tell him the truth: He’s losing

Posted by Quirkie

  1. I don’t get why everyone wants him to stop, or shut up. I want him to keep going, he’s doing his best. Donald, I know you won’t see this but, I think you got this, keep going, I wanna hear what Hannibal Lecter would say about sharks and electric boats, I wanna hear about Kamala being Indian and the billion person crowd you had, I wanna hear about Joe Biden being sleepy and c’mon those insurrectionists that attacked police tell us how you’re going to pardon them.

  2. That person is gone…buried near the tee box at one of the golf holes at some golf course Trumpy owns..

  3. There have been times during each campaign when I think…Is he trying to lose this election.
    The MAGA cult members are so locked in it no longer matters what he does…

  4. Oh, I think he knows. That would explain the constant string of Trumpertantrum, shitfit nonsense ramblings. He’s preparing his “Reagan, to mentally challenged to aid in his own defense” defense.

  5. The problem is there is nobody in his inner circle who will do it because they’re yes sir great idea types who don’t want to anger the guy. Sneak preview if he gets back into the White House. They will say “Great idea sir” and stand there while he orders a nuclear weapon be dropped into a hurricane.

  6. He has lost his brand, respect, power, and most likely the election and his freedom next.

  7. No, tell him he is winning bigly, Kamala gave up and your Big Mac and diet Coke is ready, sir!!

  8. He needs to keep doing exactly what he’s done for the past ten years. It’s a winning strategy and everyone is on board with it…

    Everyone voting blue that is. Keep it up Trump. You’re a winner!! 🏆

    Wanted to add a /s for anyone confused by my sentiments. F Trump all the way to the hell he created.

  9. Why, what difference would that make? You think he can change? That weirdo? Believe when I see it.

  10. Anyone who does is going to get a bunch of ketchup thrown at them.

    Trump is trapped; he believes he’s winning and that anyone who tells him differently is against him. His ego is so fragile that he will only be receptive to yes men.

  11. I know a lot of folks don’t want to hear this but Biden was much further ahead than Trump at this point in 2020 than Harris is now and he barely squeaked out a win in a few swing states.

    Keep doing everything you can because tbh if the election were held today I think Trump would win, despite what the polls say. Harris needs a much bigger buffer than this.

  12. No.


    Keep telling him he’s winning. He’s definitely winning.

    You’re winning, Donald. **Do. Not. Change. Your. Campaign. Strategy.**

  13. Oh, he’s well aware. Waddlin’ Donnie Dingus steeps himself in hours and hours of teevee news every day, so surely he’s aware of how badly his new material is bombing. The old bits have grown stale, and his new stuff is aimless and nonsensical. Her track record doesn’t really lend itself to his crass, heavy-handed attacks, and if he says the wrong thing regarding her gender or race, he could blow the whole thing in one second. So he’s trying to find an angle, but so far he’s got nothing, and it has him all worked up and sweaty.

  14. Honestly I hope not. I want him to have a complete meltdown that’ll lead to a stroke when he loses (again)

  15. It’s amazing people still haven’t figured out the cycle after 10 years. Trump is Trump, media / GOP ask him to tone it down, he steps up (barely) just once, Van Jones loses his shit and exclaims “Tonight, he became PRESIDENT Trump!” And then two hours later he posts some racist nonsense on Truth. 

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