Back when we were yung

Back when we were yung

Posted by bountyhunterfromhell

  1. Election loser, rapist, insurrectionist, failed businessman, 34x felon, he’s broke, so many cases delayed in hopes he gets in office to close them, and he is still committing crimes. Truly unelectable but the GOP loves filling the swamp.

  2. Trump has a way of confessing crimes even before he commits them. I don’t think it’s a coincidence he mentioned that his next interview with Elon Musk might be from Venezuela. Better lock him up before he flees.

  3. Trump supporters: the only thing that could change my mind is if he’s found guilty of a crime

    Tyler the Creator: so that was a fucking lie

  4. Remember when Trump stole over 30+ boxes of classified documents and the judge cleared him?

    Reality winner spent 5 years 3 months in prison for 1 page of a classified document.

    Pepridge Farms remembers

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