Trump Teaches Wind Energy 101

Trump Teaches Wind Energy 101

Posted by golfnut82

  1. “That doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about wind to refute it.” –About 48% of voters

  2. Dude has a hate on for windmills.

    He’s carrying a grudge against windmills because he tried to sue to stop a wind energy project that he thought messed up the view of his golf course in Scotland.

    He’s just that petty.

    I suspect if you got right down to it, you’d find some extremely petty reason for all of his weird hatreds.

  3. Well DonOld Sr thinks they can’t have batteries storing power because if it rains and the roof leaks they would need to choose between electrocution and the hungry wolves eating them outside.

  4. It really is a scary thought that someone this stupid, this ignorant, and this dense had the most powerful position in the world. Please everyone, vote in November.

  5. Why on earth do they have “NO TAX ON TIPS” on the boards behind him? Like did they think this was some amazing policy proposal that no one had ever thought of and people would just line up for miles to vote for him because of it?

    I love that both Harris and Biden have agreed to pass a “no tax on tips” law…yet, it’s on his boards. Someone explain?

  6. How the fuck is this race basically a tossup? How stupid are people to be like, “That’s my guy!”

  7. If only we could harness the hot air and gas he generates, we’d be set for eternity.

  8. Just a weird dumbass. I can’t believe people fall for this doorknob’s weird rants.

  9. Trump’s brain is fried.

    He is the oldest candidate ever.

    58% of voters think he is too old to be President.

    We are watching him fall apart before our eyes.

    Don’t be me wrong, I enjoy a good electric shark story as much as the next man, but normally from the drunk guy on the stool next to me, not from a Presidential candidate.

  10. It is baffling that someone so stupid is so close to becoming the US president once again.

  11. It’s just incredible how little donold knows about anything of importance while trying to make you think he’s knowledgeable about wind energy. Google is free, and he wouldn’t have to pay anything before he goes running his mouth.

  12. There used to be a TV commercial where people couldn’t listen to the baseball game on the radio because there wasn’t enough wind for the windmill.

    That commercial is apparently the sum total of Trump’s knowledge about wind power.

  13. 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️That hurts…

  14. “That’s when solar, hydro, nuclear, and high capacity storage kicks in, darling.”

  15. Maybe they should hook power up to him with the amount of wind and hot air that cones out of his mouth.

  16. If there is an electric power outtage then the windmills cannot power your television anyway, wind or no wind.

    Any battery array in a turbine is not exactly supporting continued power production, battery is there for other reasons that are related to protecting the machine in conjunction with pneumatic power to ensure we’ve brought the machine into a safer stand-by condition while waiting for power across the site to be restored. Those batteries could only briefly allow the tower to run, it’s not a primary use of those batteries, they’re actually pretty weak.

    The typical onshore turbine uses a common DFI ELECTROmagnet in the core of the generator, it’s not a permanent magnet like a direct-drive offshore turbine might use or a what tiny windturbine on a sailboat might use, those are less commom. It’s possible to engineer a grand solution into commercial turbines to allow production during an outtage however it’s much easier just to curtail production site wide and wait for power to be restored before you begin production again.

    Since your switchgear in the basement of the tower is not receiving electric power then topside doesn’t have it either and therefore there is no magnetic field to induce a voltage on the coils of the stator meaning the generator cannot produce any power at all until power is restored (34.5kV).

    If you have any doubt about that just remember that since the grid itself is down then the windfarm cannot properly distribute any power that happens to get produced by the towers anyway, power lines across the county are on the street etc, so even more of a reason to just wait. Why energize those lines?

    It’s only inconvenient during an outtage. Texas for example cannot reasonably fix that problem, and there’s no reason to winterize their towers, they’re just screwed during a storm for wind power.

    No power…. no Tower. And Fck anybodys TV who is trying to show Trump on it regardless of how it’s being powered.

  17. You ever notice when he’s trying to imitate a normal married couple he always says DARLING like we live in the fucking 1950’s?

  18. With all the wind coming out of his pig mouth, we could probably power a billion windmills.

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