Look Who’s Facing the Results of Their Decisions

Look Who’s Facing the Results of Their Decisions

Posted by bodily_Avocados

  1. Yeah, I’m not sure this is making the point you think it’s making.

    The fact that her part in a violent coup only nets her 60 days in jail proves her right.

  2. When you fail to punish traitors appropriately you invite more treason. Anyone convicted for Jan 6 should be at the end of a rope. Because punishments were light, we’re now potentially faced with a similar treason in the coming months.

  3. A black man tries to buy something with a fake $20 and he is executed on the street.

    A white woman participated in overthrowing our government and she gets 60 days in prison… after nearly 4 years have passed.

    It is indeed a 2 tier system.

  4. A slap on the wrist, buy we’ll see what she says when she has to surrender herself into custody and she realizes that she has to do her time.

  5. 60 days, thats laughable, in my younger days i wish i was into treason, trying to overthrow an elected federal govt, and beating the shit out of federal officers instead of selling dime bags of weed, i would get two years of my life back.

  6. 60 days is really nothing. Crazy how you can literally attack the country and not serve real time in jail/prison for it.

  7. if you just google her now you can see:
    1. still in business as a realtor in Texas so i guess you can keep a realtor license no matter what
    2. website with her name listing her as a “political activist” and “life coach”
    3. her “book” titled “storming the capital” for sale

    seems that she is really suffering and feels remorseful for violently trying to overthrow a government election and mocking the justice system

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