Mar a logo possibly slated to be closed by Palm Beach mayor

Mar a logo possibly slated to be closed by Palm Beach mayor

Posted by Dyingtoeatpodcast

  1. So he pissed off the mayor? An elected official dealing with a felon? With a police department? Where is cops live tv when you want it?

  2. It should be closed because Trump was caught with illegal workers. In my city, the businesses are immediately closed when they find undocumented people working in them

  3. Shut that crime nest down.

    He is living there illegally and the place was used in a serious crime involving stolen top secret/classified documents.

  4. Close it and reopen it as The John McCain Memorial Retirement Center for Disabled Veterans

  5. In this case the mayor is complaining that the “road” to MAL is closed by the secret service ever since he got his boo boo on his ear. Except Trump keeps inviting guests and the guests are let through via the secret service.

    So the road and the club are inaccessible to the public but guests of trump are let through.

    The mayor wants trump to either open the club to the public or close the club and stop using it until the Secret Service doesn’t have to block the road.

    Unfortunately the mayor is currently in the position of. “Just keep reading and tell me if you find ANYTHING we can use as leverage.”

  6. So a taxpayer funded street is now basically a private driveway for whoever Mango Mussolini wants to allow to use it while the other taxpayers are denied access? Sounds like a slam-dunk to me. Quit treating this demonstrably and factually shown liar and convicted felon with kid gloves and make him financially responsible for the upkeep of the street AND the funding of newly-built alternative roads so others aren’t inconvenienced. Could you imagine this occurring if it was Obama? The cult would be screaming bloody murder.

  7. With the secret service being around him 24/7, how did they not know about all those classified documents and foreign spies????

  8. I don’t understand why they closed the road when they should have just closed his driveway.

    How long do you suppose it would take any other private citizen to get arrested for appropriating a public road?

  9. Trump will sue. I don’t know why but he will. He sues everyone. Even the feds for the raid on the place to get back what he stole.

  10. What would be amazing is for him to lose the election very decently, then get a short prison sentence and come out to house arrest for life at that shit hole with no public visitors.

  11. This one is just plain wishful thinking. Ron DeSantis would override such a move in a heartbeat.

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