But what do rich people get out of it?!?

But what do rich people get out of it?!?

Posted by Best-Subject-7253

  1. Biden seems that he would be genuinely a great grandpa.

    Wish him that Kamala wins and he can enjoy what’s left of his retirement knowing that he was one of people who actually made America great:

  2. Arent they paying them up fraction of pennies on the dollar: Rich people get their money is what happens.

  3. As a dad who’s helping my kids with their student loans I am heartened by this.

    I’ll still enthusiastically vote for Harris/Walz to defend our democracy, but this is a cherry on the top!

  4. Give money to people who already get paid more because of a college degree? So the Democrats really want to further the divide between the haves and have nots. Fuck the poor everything for the corporate class

  5. Calling it now: a new plan that’s exactly the same as the SAVE plan under a new name, just to spite the courts.

    (Please, I can’t afford my 10 year plan payment)

  6. Conservatives posting NY post articles just so they can rage at it. Like getting mad at an onion article

  7. Helping students is giving them “free stuff” which makes them…slaves…and Biden is the, uh, plantation owner, because….something something SOCIALISM IS THE REAL RACISM ONLY IN PERMANENT DEBT TO CORPORATIONS ARE WE TRULY FREE dunno, something stupid like that.

  8. I love how idiots are hand wringing over this.

    The former students being relieved have universally all paid their entire principle loan back, the only thing they’re paying now is interest, which is usually at fairly predatory rates. 

    Nobody is getting a free ride.

  9. Not going to matter for election prospects when Israel gives their October Surprise.

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